Late Update — Radio Silence

Jonathan Sayre
2 min readFeb 23, 2018


I almost went through this week without giving an update on my Thesis project, but I remembered that I promised weekly posts so I will keep you all in the know despite my insecurities. This past week I spent my time on appointments and events — I went home to see my parents and celebrate my birthday, had a dentist appointment, made business cards, and updated my resume. Beyond that I went to Toys Fair in New York City, acting as an intern in my professor’s company.

I did not get much accomplished in terms of my thesis project, but among the things that I learned at Toys Fair, I reaffirmed my belief that we are currently in a golden age for board games. Besides all of the new releases being shown off by large companies, there was an entire section dedicated to up and coming board games, self published companies, games being released by a publisher, and games that had successful Kickstarter campaigns looking to get the word out to the press. The best part about this large swathe of board games is I have still yet to see anyone else with Anthony and I’s board game idea. Our thesis project is still something that has not been successfully built before, as simple as it is.

Anyway, there is not much to report on my progress. The prototype is finished and playable, but not at all balanced or ‘complete’. Hopefully by the time I post next week we will have ordered the electronic parts and I can get started with trying to understand how to make sense of it all. At the same time, more playtesting sessions are always needed. But until then, I have some work to catch up on, so I can avoid disappointing you all once again.



Jonathan Sayre

Passionate about video games and 3D CADD modeling, dabbles in mechanical physics and manufacturing.