Jayesh Saini
2 min readJan 24, 2024


Engaging teens in sports and fitness activities is not only beneficial for their physical health but also promotes teamwork, discipline, and overall well-being. The following are some sports and fitness activities that are particularly engaging for teens:

Team Sports

· Soccer (Football) — A globally popular sport that promotes cardiovascular fitness, agility, and teamwork.

· Basketball — Enhances coordination, endurance, and teamwork while being fast-paced and exciting.

· Volleyball — A fun team sport that improves hand-eye coordination, flexibility, and communication skills.

Individual Sports

ü Tennis — Provides cardiovascular exercise, improves agility, and enhances concentration.

ü Swimming — A full-body workout that is easy on the joints, promoting cardiovascular health and muscle strength.

ü Martial Arts — Options like karate, taekwondo, or Brazilian jiu-jitsu can build discipline, confidence, and self-defense skills.

Outdoor Activities

v Cycling — A great way to improve cardiovascular fitness, leg strength, and balance while enjoying the outdoors.

v Rock Climbing: Builds strength, endurance, and problem-solving skills, and can be both a team and individual activity.

Adventure Sports

· Kayaking/Canoeing — Provides an upper body workout while exploring waterways and nature.

· Surfing — Enhances balance, core strength, and cardiovascular fitness, and is a thrilling water sport.

Fitness Classes

Ø Yoga — Promotes flexibility, balance, and mindfulness, helping teens manage stress and improve mental well-being.

Ø High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) — Quick and intense workouts that improve cardiovascular health and muscle strength.

Ø Dance Classes — Whether it’s hip-hop, jazz, or ballet, dance classes are not only physically engaging but also allow for self-expression.

Recreational Activities

ü Ultimate Frisbee — Combines elements of soccer, basketball, and football, providing an energetic and enjoyable team sport.

ü Skateboarding — Enhances balance, coordination, and flexibility, and is a popular activity among teens.

Adventure Races

· Obstacle Course Races (OCR) — Events like Spartan Race or Tough Mudder combine running with obstacles, providing a challenging and adventurous experience.

Virtual Fitness Games

v Interactive Video Games — Some video games, like those on platforms such as Nintendo Wii or Xbox Kinect, encourage physical activity and can be a fun way to stay active.

Mr. Jayesh Saini explains that, “The key is to find activities that align with a teen’s interests and preferences. Additionally, creating a supportive and encouraging environment, whether through team sports or individual pursuits, can enhance the overall experience and motivation for staying active.”



Jayesh Saini

Mr. Jayesh Saini, a second-generation Kenyan, is a dynamic entrepreneur who oversees the largest network of outpatient centers in Kenya — Bliss Healthcare.