Which one of these 8 scandals will finally bring down the House of Clinton?

Jeanette Jing
5 min readJun 26, 2016


So many scandals. The Clintons have been enflamed in scandals for decades, many of which were pushed by idiotic Republicans. These fiascos have immunized the Clintons against criticism — at least in the eyes of their tragically credulous supporters.

The Clintons have always had awful politics e.g. slashing welfare for poor children in Arkansas. The Clintons have always been corrupt e.g. Hillary serving on the board of Walmart while Bill was Governor. Nevertheless, 2000 marked the beginning of Hillary’s descent into abject depravity. In Sicko, Michael Moore documented her fall from being a would-be health care reformer to a top Senate recipient of health industry cash. On Bill Moyers’ show, Elizabeth Warren recounted how Hillary went from being the First Lady who blocked Bill’s support of bankruptcy ‘reform’ to being a Senator who cynically voted for the bill just a year later, condemning millions to a new form of indentured servitude.

Since then, it has been sixteen more years of greed and arrogance. It’s hard to keep up with the Clintons’ scandals. So which of the current batch will finally bring them down?

1. #EmailGate

Clinton conspired to use a private email server for her work at State. Doing so violated numerous national security and transparency laws, including the Espionage Act. Anyone else who did this would already be indicted or convicted by now. Clinton has been an enthusiastic advocate for Espionage Act prosecutions, and now her IT guy has been granted immunity. This statute requires only evidence of ‘gross negligence’ to prosecute, which can mean something as simple as leaving classified documents on the wrong desk overnight, let alone an entire email server. In trying to avoid indictment, Clinton is not just taking on the FBI, but indeed the entire national security Deep State (FBI, NSA, CIA, NGA, DOD etc.) that intimately depends on the secrecy laws that she so flagrantly violated. EmailGate is the subject of one of the two ongoing FBI criminal investigations into the Clintons.

2. FOIA civil suits against Clinton

In addition to the FBI criminal investigation, there are numerous civil Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) suits. These cases have deposed members of Clinton’s inner circle and will continue to discover more about Clinton’s use of her private server to avoid transparency.

3. #Guccifer

The original Guccifer hacked Clinton’s server, releasing Bill’s previously secret Presidential doodles as evidence of his access. Guccifer claims to have many more Clinton documents and is currently in Department of Justice (DOJ) custody after extradition from Romania. As a father of young children, Guccifer is presumably looking for a plea bargain to shorten his sentence. There are also reports that the Russian government is in possession of all of Clinton’s emails, perhaps obtained from Guccifer. Although related to EmailGate, this scandal does not depend on indictments to do immense damage to the Clintons: all that has to happen is for Guccifer’s email stash be made public, whether by the Russians, Wikileaks or one of Guccifer’s friends.

4. DNC Collusion

The Guccifer 2.0 hacker(s) liberated documents from Democratic National Committee servers that confirm they colluded with Clinton to ensure her nomination and defraud primary voters into believing they were participating in democracy. Some of those voters are now suing the DNC, even before Wikileaks releases the full database, which is claimed to be thousands of sensitive documents. In addition to the further damage inflicted on the DNC’s and Clinton’s already tattered reputations, there also looms the possibility of additional criminal activity being revealed by these leaks.

5. #ClintonEpstein

Jeffrey Epstein is a convicted pedophile who raped children as young as 14. Bill Clinton flew on billionaire Epstein’s private jet dozens of times, sometimes without Secret Service. Common sense suggests the Republicans are saving any further details for an October Surprise. There are already numerous existing rape and sexual abuse allegations against Bill, and Hillary has a history of enabling Bill’s abuse.

6. #ReleaseTheTranscripts

Hillary earned over $21 million from paid speeches to investment banks and other corporate interests. Her speech contracts demanded an average fee of $225,000 and that each speech be transcribed, but not recorded. However, she has consistently dismissed requests that she release these transcripts. What could she have said that was worth $225,000 to her audiences? Mika Brzezinski says that at least one print journalist has copies of the transcripts, suggesting that they could be leaked at any time. Or maybe some of the banks have their own embarrassing transcripts kept for future leverage? That might explain why her Wall Street nickname is “Goldman Handcuffs.”

7. Charity fraud

Corporate investigator Charles Ortel was one of the first to identify irregularities in General Electric’s finances in 2007. Now he says he has proof that the Clinton Foundation has never complied with public charity filing requirements and should be prosecuted as a charity fraud.

Secretary of State Clinton arranges a weapons sale approval with her Foundation’s donor, the President of Algeria.

8. #ClintonCash

This is the kind of case that motivates young men and women to become FBI agents and DOJ prosecutors. This is the kind of case that career agents and prosecutors dream of being assigned to: the most spectacular corruption case in U.S. history. Foreign donors have given billions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation. Many of those donors received favorable treatment from Hillary Clinton’s State Department either shortly before or after the donation. For example, Saudi Arabia donated millions to the Foundation prior to receiving Clinton’s approval for a $29 billion dollar arms purchase. These transactions are the subject of a book, numerous articles, a forthcoming movie and their own FBI criminal investigation. Prosecutors have no requirement to prove quid pro quo, as shown in the recent conviction of former Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell and his wife. Before Clinton Cash, the biggest previous corruption case was the Abscam case in the early 1980’s. Some of the agents who worked on that case have written a letter saying the FBI’s reputation is on the line.

Which one will bring them down?

Depending on how much is revealed, each one of these scandals has the potential to bring down the Clintons, but the scandal that should bring them down is the combination of #EmailGate and #ClintonCash. We all hope it will happen before the convention on 25 July 2016. If not, some of the other scandals are very likely to blow up after the convention, on the Republicans’ timetable.

The FBI appear to be taking their time because they also want a combined #EmailGate and #ClintonCash indictment, and both cases must be watertight to weather the inevitable political storm. If the DOJ somehow refuses to indict, the FBI is likely to either engage in mass resignations and/or start leaking information about the case to journalists. The closest historic precedent for this is FBI Associate Director Mark Felt’s leaks that exposed Nixon’s criminal activities and brought down his Presidency.

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Jeanette Jing

Empire without corrupts within. Find me on Twitter @jeanettejing Jeanette Corbynista #PoliticalRevolution #SteinBaraka2016