Why Dr Jill Stein is the smart choice

Jeanette Jing
3 min readNov 7, 2016


I’m voting for Dr Jill Stein because America has a deadly disease that urgently needs healing: oligarchy. Jill gave up her medical practice to become a political physician. Her intelligence is revealed in every aspect of her platform, which exposes the braindead stupidity of Democratic party. Here are three examples of why Dr Stein and running mate Ajamu Baraka are just plain smarter.

Smart on Banks

The bankers on Wall Street have a track record of stupendous fraud that has nearly collapsed the world economy. Nevertheless, braindead/corrupt Democrats think the bankers know best: Clinton condoned their criminality in her speeches to them. Clinton must have known how desperately stupid this sounds, because she hid the speeches until they were published by Wikileaks. Much smarter, Stein-Baraka call for the Big Banks to be ripped apart, just as FDR after bankers created the Great Depression. This smart, sensible policy of keeping ‘casino banking’ separate from real-economy banking worked for 70 years, and only the Greens are intelligent enough to understand the benefit for all Americans.

Smart foreign policy

The Saudis are our enemies, funding ISIS and promoting fundamentalist Wahhabism around the world. The Democrats have a policy of empowering our enemies, buying their oil and selling them weapons. This is idiotic, reckless policy that damages America and our allies. Instead, Stein has called for a Green New Deal, an urgent, massive program to build our defenses against Climate Change. In addition to creating millions of jobs, this clever strategy would make us independent from fossil fuels, diminishing the power of oil-rich enemies.

Smart energy planning

Fossil fuels like frack gas and tar sands are destroying the climate by raising the temperature. Neither of the major parties are dealing with this the way they should: Clinton blindly embraces fracking as the foundation of her energy policy, and tacitly supports militarized police assaults on #NoDAPL water protectors. Destroying our environment for the sake of our short term energy consumption is beyond stupid. Dr Stein supports the water protectors and has the vision to propose immediate action to phase out fossil fuels. Considering the mega-hurricanes, devastating fires and worse catastrophes on the horizon, this is the only smart response.

Why it’s smart to vote for Stein-Baraka

Lesser evil voting got us into the trouble we are now. Voting for the Clintons in the 1990’s gave us the trade deals that killed jobs, destroyed unions and left us with the Climate Crisis and angry Americans across the country willing to support a figure like Trump. It’s time to build a party that works for real progress. This is particularly true in Deep Blue and Deep Red states, where strategically voting for the Greens is a smart investment for our future, but also true for Purple states in play. We might survive 4 years of Clinton or Trump, but ultimately we won’t survive our own failure to unify around the values we believe in.

Only Jill Stein shares values with progressives.



Jeanette Jing

Empire without corrupts within. Find me on Twitter @jeanettejing Jeanette Corbynista #PoliticalRevolution #SteinBaraka2016