The Marco I Know

Jeanette Rubio
2 min readNov 1, 2016


When people ask me about Marco, I want to tell them about the kind of man he is in his personal life. Marco has always been extremely committed to our family. Since the day we first met more than 25 years ago, I always knew he would make a great husband and father. And I was right. He’s always been my greatest supporter and advocate and he is engaged and involved in each one of our kids’ lives.

Marco is helping our oldest daughter, Amanda, get ready to apply for college. He keeps up on Daniella’s volleyball activities and could talk politics with her for hours. And he talks about Anthony and Dominick’s football practices like an NFL scout. I could go on forever about his role in our family, but I want to tell you about his work in the Senate.

Around the time when Marco was first elected, I saw a documentary about human trafficking. I was told that this unthinkable evil was even happening in Miami. I couldn’t believe it! I called Marco and told him that he had to do something to help these children. And Marco did exactly what I knew he would do: he studied the issue and then took action creating the Girls Count Act law.

Marco’s law forces any country in the world that receives American aid to give birth certificates to little girls when they’re born. That may not sound like much, but that one piece of paper could save thousands of girls from becoming victims of human trafficking by preventing them from being sold. If it just saves one child, it’s worth it and we know it will save hundreds, if not thousands.

I’m proud of the husband and father that he is. I am proud of the man he is. And I’m proud of him for standing up to protect young girls around the world.



Jeanette Rubio

Wife of Senator Marco Rubio, & mother of four wonderful children. Committed to family, love, and God. #trulyblessed