Marvel Infinity Stones/Gems

Zeeshan Ali
4 min readNov 8, 2016


Comic readers would be well aware of this piece of information i am about to share, but who aren’t avid comic book readers would find this interesting.

Infinity Gems as per comics (OR) Infinity Stones as per marvel cinematic universe, are six immensely powerful fictional gems. They are essential part of Marvel similar to Mother Boxes of DC, (will talk about Mother Boxes some other time), they are infinite sources of power and energy.

According to the most commonly accepted origin story, the six gems were once part of an all-powerful being(no name mentioned) who committed suicide out of loneliness.(i know, that is depriving to start with). Its power survived and manifested as six gems/stones (let’s stick to stones).

Below is the brief look back on how were these stones featured so far in Marvel movies.

  1. Space Gem/Tesseract — Featured in Captain America: The First Avenger; first found by Red skull of Hydra, his plan fouled by Captain America, later found by Tony Stark, in custody with shield in The Avengers. Now It is preserved in Asgard.
    The space gem allows its user to manipulate space, its most basic powers allows one to teleport themselves and others to any place they can picture and to open portals to other dimensions.
  2. Soul Gem /H**** — Not yet introduced, might feature in Thor; Ragnarok, the Stone should be associated to something which starts with letter ‘H’ to complete the word THANOS !!! , it is being mostly predicted that Cate Blanchett playing Hela, The Asgardian Goddess of death might be holding this. She is Thanos love interest and he wants to bring Death upon Earth as an offering of maximum souls to Hela to impress her. So, he will definitely not try to snatch gem from her. But does Hela gets killed and then Thanos has the Soul gem from her and he is on a path of Revenge (naah..he looked relaxed so far in his appearances).
    Heimdall, Gaurdian of the worlds; the Gate keeper, might also be holding this Stone.(a red gem on his Armour, if you have observed closely). All the above were speculations lets wait for the next installment Thor; Ragnarok. This Stone controls life and death and also can snatch others power.
  3. Reality Gem/Aether — Featured in Thor; The dark world, Malekith pulls the Aether from Foster, who has been bonded herself to it. Thor and Foster fight and regain Aether, they already had Tesseract in Asgard so they decided to keep it far away with Taneleer Tivan, the collector.
    The Reality Gem allows its user to alter reality to what one wants or break the laws of reality and logic.
  4. Time Gem/Necklace(Eye of Agamotto) — Featured in Dr. Strange, the Time Stone was held inside the Eye of Agamotto, a locket in possession of the Masters of the Mystic Arts. By using its powers to control the flow of time imposed a time loop upon the Dark Dimension Dormammu. Doctor Strange returned the Eye to its place in Kamar-Taj, Kathmandu. The time gem allows the user total control over the past, present and future.
  5. Power Gem/ORB — Featured in Gaurdians of Galaxy, former Ravager Peter Quill, also known as Star-Lord, found the Orb, the Kree warrior Korath, tried to take it from him on behalf of his commander Ronan, who made a deal with Thanos to retrieve the Infinity Stone The stone gives the owner access to all power and energy that ever has or will exist. It is now with The Nova Corps, a fictional intergalactic military/police force.
  6. Mind Gem/ Scepter Featured in Avengers: Age of Ultron, The Stone of the Mind was originally housed in the scepter given to Loki to aid in his invasion of Earth. Placed within the scepter, When Loki was defeated, the scepter was taken into the custody of S.H.I.E.L.D, sleeper Hydra agents smuggled the scepter into Sokovia. In capturing the android body, the Avengers reacquired the Mind Stone, resulting in the creation, calling himself the Vision. Thor subsequently opted to leave the Mind Stone in the Vision’s care, both because the Vision had demonstrated his good character by lifting Mjolnir, and also because the stone seemed safe in the Vision’s care.
    This stone gives the owner psionic powers like telepathy and telekinesis and owner can control others mind.

Now, the most interesting part, once the last infinity stone is introduced, it sets the stage for Avengers: Infinity war. The name itself clearly hints at the story.

How Thanos manages to collect all the Infinity stones? if he does he will become the most powerful, then how will Avengers manage to defeat him.

Each Infinity stone itself is very powerful source, but when all six come together, more power is infused. This is the reason why Thanos has made a gauntlet, ready to hold all Infinity stones at one place.

Every fan is eagerly waiting to see , how would things transform once all the stones are at one place (we know how.. from comics but wanna see Marvels cinematic take on this ) hopefully like the origin of Stones; Thanos doesn’t get lonely and commits suicide after possessing all the stones 😜 (He commits suicide in one of the comics!)

All stones on Gauntlet

