Banned Book of the Week: Gender Queer by Maia Kobabe

Why you should never ever read this book, and how to do it

Jeff Roush
5 min readSep 22, 2022
Photo by Author

In honor of Banned Books Week, I am starting my dive into some of the most banned books in America. I anticipated this project a few weeks ago, and before I dive in too far, I encourage you to read some of my general thoughts on the practice of banning books:

So with the general thoughts out of the way, let’s dive into specifics. Before I write about a book, I will read it — carefully, cover-to-cover. I can’t pretend objectivity on these issues, and I won’t. But I will go through some of the reasons a book has been banned. In doing so let you know why, in the name of all decency and the protection of our children, you should keep them from achieving knowledge, understanding, self-awareness, and empathy for their fellow humans. Reading, man.

About Gender Queer

This week’s book is Gender Queer by Maia Kobabe. The book is a graphic memoir, written and drawn in panels. The work is incredibly accessible; I read it…



Jeff Roush

Father, lawyer, management director, poet, writer, perpetual learner. Twitter: @jeffroushpoetry