Sermon of Change

Jeffrey Davidson
Published in
2 min readApr 25, 2016

I was reading and studying, trying new things and learning, when I had a vision of the #futureofwork. In my dream I heard a preacher tell of a future history, and these are the notes I found upon waking.


This transformation will triumph!

Keep the faith!

Pay attention to the changes we see around us.

The old order of business is insufficient!

Old systems have been abolished — they don’t know it yet.

Fulfillment comes from a new way of working, a good team.

We have always had a need to work together.

How we need to work together has changed over time.

Together we accomplish more than we can alone!

We have a long way to go.

The old way of managing is vanishing away.

Let us learn from the successes and failure of the old processes!

They are object lessons foreshadowing the coming world.

Many who don’t change will suffer in this change.

Look to the heroes who have shown us how this is done.

Denning cheers us on, Laloux gives us examples of maturity, while Reis demonstrates feedback and learning. Snowden discussed the relationship between man, experience, and context, and Pflaeging showed us how to organize for it. Sutherland, et al. changed the focus, Greenleaf channeled the past, Deming put the emphasis on why, and Drucker tells us the purpose is to create a customer.

Leave the old ways behind!

Work with patience!

You will fail and this is the chance to learn — Keep on the path.

This is not a law, but good news.

It is a journey and it will be challenging.

Continue to build relationships.

Remember others who are on the journey.

Help strangers, for they are also on a journey.

Respect each other and your teams!

Assume positive intent.

Leaders, both current and future, respect your followers; serve them as you would be served.

Don’t try to just be different. Be yourself.

Promote creative collaboration and autonomy.

Find pattern in chaos through critical thinking.

Make use of data to learn and decide.

Respect the mission.

I salute you and your journey!

Live for the future!



Jeffrey Davidson

consulting analyst, engaging speaker, skilled facilitator, playful father, devoted husband, and handsome fellow