Extra Privacy and Security with TOR, Double DNS and Anti-DDOS

5 min readFeb 25, 2017


Can you use it in a Sentence? It’s very often that when you are looking into VPN Providers you might see some terms like TOR, Double VPN and Anti-DDOS. Today I am going to explain in detail how each of these features works and how they can be beneficial to you. First things first VPN through TOR just to get my personal favorite out of the way. When dealing with TOR and VPN’s together you have two configurations you can go with TOR through VPN and VPN to TOR. Knowing these configurations is essential when using TOR with your VPN because each offers and provides different Advantages than the other. The first one TOR through VPN is the most secure configuration of the two because to puts TOR between you and your VPN Provider. This allows for all of your Traffic to be Encrypted as it travels across the TOR Network protecting you from Malicious exit nodes and your VPN Provider from knowing your Ip Address. While the First one is far more secure sometimes you want to hide the fact that your using TOR. If this is the case then VPN to TOR might be the way to go. This configuration allows you to connect to your VPN Provider before you enter the TOR network. This means that your VPN Provider will know your real Ip Address and your Internet Traffic won’t be Encrypted as it travels across the TOR Network. However this configuration will allow you to hide the fact that you are using TOR from your ISP since it is connecting you to a VPN Server not a TOR entry node. While personally I am a fan of the first configuration due to the security benefits it offers sometimes ISP might block access to TOR entry nodes forcing you to use the second configuration. Either way both configurations offer far better Internet Security than using just TOR or just VPN. Even though I like the concept of the TOR network and am a huge supporter of it I do have to admit it does have it’s draw backs. Some of those are it’s slow and a lot of websites send TOR traffic captchas to insure that you aren’t a bot. The first configuration will help with the captchas but there is nothing you can do about the speed sadly the TOR network is still to small to be super effective. Well there are options that help you circumvent both of these problems and that is using Double VPN. This will connect you to two different VPN Servers forcing anyone that wants to try and find your real location to get a subpoena for both servers before they can find your real Ip Address. This adds another step that a Government would have to take before they can get to the server you’re connected to and hopefully adding enough time to allow any trace of you to have been erased from existence. Now while searching for the right VPN Provider you might see the term Anti-DDOS Servers pop up. What this means is that VPN Provider has Servers that are protected from DDOS Attacks. A DDOS Attack stands for Distributed Denial of Service Attack and is most commonly used by Anonymous. A DOS or DDOS Attack is when someone usually with malicious intent sends so much traffic to a Server that it gets clogged up and can’t process requests made by people trying to legitimately use that server. This is what is known as taking down a website the difference between DOS and DDOS is the extra D for Distributed. This is done by several people or a large bot net coming together to over power the server and is the most common type of DOS Attack. Now a DDOS Attack can either be intentional or accidental. An intentional DDOS Attack is when a Security or Networking Professional performs a DDOS Attack in order to stress test the Network or when a Hacker try’s to take down a website to serve some malicious purpose. A accidental DDOS Attack is when the network gets more traffic than they’re prepared for taking down the Server. In either case it is good to use a VPN Provider that secures against DDOS Attacks to ensure that your connection doesn’t get dropped randomly by the Server going down and to give you the fastest speeds possible since the network is proportional to the traffic it is receiving. Someways to secure against DDOS Attacks is by using Advanced Load Balancers which evenly distribute the traffic between all of the Servers in the network or by setting up a way for rapid scalability and elasticity allowing their network to expand and decrease with the amount of traffic they are handling. in order to figure out if a certain VPN has protection against this and how they offer this protection you will have to ask them about it. These are very important features to have in your Privacy and Security tool belt and are something to ask all of the VPN Providers you vet about.In order to get you started on your Search with success if you are interested in any of these features or all of them Nord Provides all three features in this post and you can learn more by visiting Nords Website. I hope that this Post was able to clarify certain terms for you and helped you learn something new. To get my posts instantly on your favorite social media outlet you can follow me on Twitter and Facebook. If you are still unsure about something I mentioned in this post feel free to leave a comment and I will get back to you as soon as possible(most likely with in 24 hrs) or you can Browse through my Posts on my Profile Page I usually create Post explaining everything that I talk about and mention.

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Internet Security and Privacy enthusiast “trying to make the Internet a safer place one story at a time.”