How to Securely Use the Haven App

6 min readDec 27, 2017


The new Haven App designed by Edward Snowden is a remarkable app that allows you to turn your smart phone into a spy/Home Security Device. However it’s features can be used against you if the device is ever Hacked or Confiscated. While this is a great app it doesn't do much in the way of protecting your privacy. In fact if not used correctly any Hacked phone with the Haven app installed could end up spying on you. So, before you install Haven on your device make sure that you take a few precautions first. In this article I will show you what precautions to take and how to set up a Safe Haven using Haven Phones.

What You Will Need

  1. A Faraday Box
  2. x number of Haven Phones
  3. An Alert Phone
  4. Wall Mounted Cell Phone Holders

Securing your Alert Phone

Your Alert Phone is the one that you will carry with you and will receive messages on from your Haven Phones telling you that someone is in your Safe Haven. This is the most important phone to have secure because it is the only link to your Safe Haven. This phone needs to be a Burner/Prepaid Phone from Walmart (or where ever else you might find one) that can’t be traced back to you. you also want to go as low scale as possible with it. This means no fancy features (GPS, Camera, Mic, Grav sensor, etc..), basically go back to the stone ages and get a cheap flip phone and have a tech take out the Camera and Mic. You will never need any of these with your Alert Phone because all it will be used for is to receive messages from your Haven Phones. Now if you think this might be to much, think again. We are using all of these features to turn our Phone into a Spy Phone and if a Government has you in there sights your super secure burner phone could give you away. Now that you have your Alert Phone ready to go Download the Signal app and register your Phone with Signal

Securing your Haven Phones

This is where we want to focus most of our energy since these are going to have an app that allows for spying on them. You want to make sure that you buy Burner Phones for this part. A Burner Phone is a prepaid phone that you can get from a place like Walmart that isn't traceable back to you. Since we can use our Haven App over WiFi they don’t need to be prepaid phones. Just buy a few cheap phones off craigslist or from a Pawnshop and never activate them.This is important if Anonymity is your goal, because if these phones are ever stolen or confiscated they could be linked back to you. How many should you get well it depends on how big your safe Haven is and how much of it you want to be able to see. We are going to be using the Haven App to turn our Haven Phones into Motion Sensors. That way the Phones can watch over your Safe Haven and not give away any valuable information. So, you will want your Haven Phones to either be able to see your whole Safe Haven or at least all entrances and exits from your Safe Haven. Now that we have our Haven Phones we can start making them secure. Now their are three settings in our Haven Phones that need to be changed before anything else is done. The first is the Pin entry Setting. We want to make sure that this is setup with a good long pin number (over 6 digits) so that if the phones are taken no one can access them. Secondly we want to encrypt our Haven Phones this way no one can access any of the data off of them who doesn’t have permission. Thirdly we want to setup secure boot on our Haven Phones and set the Pin number to a different one then the Pin to Access the phone. What this will do is ask for a Pin before your phone boots that way you and only you can access and change any of the data on your Haven phones. Now that the Haven Phones are secure we can download and install Haven on each of them. When setting up Haven make sure to register your phones to use Signal to send the alerts. This will encrypt all of the alert messages going back and forth between your Haven Phones and your Alert Phone.

Creating your Safe Haven

Now that we have everything secured we can begin setting up our Safe Haven. You are going to want to install Wall Mounted Cell Phone Holders wherever you want to place your Haven Phones inside of you Safe Haven. This way you can get a clear view of your entire Safe Haven. You will also want to stash your Faraday Box somewhere Dark and Quite. A Faraday Box is designed to keep out any electromagnetic signals this is useful in many ways, but we will only be using it to make sure that your Haven Phones can’t be accessed when in storage. You will want to store the Faraday box in another room or closet without any light to be sure that your phone isn't receiving any data from it’s surroundings while in storage.

Additional security steps

Now your Safe Haven has been setup and is ready to go, but there are a few more security steps that should be taken when using your Safe Haven. First whenever you return to your Safe Haven be sure and take down all of your Haven Phones, delete any alerts that have been created, and turn off and remove the batteries from your Haven Phones (If applicable). This all needs to be done inside of your Safe Haven before you transport them to your Faraday Box. This way any pictures that were taken of you by the phones will be deleted and if they have been Hacked they won’t be able to give away anymore information. The batteries are removed to make sure that the phone isn’t reciving any power at all. That way no malicious persons can turn on any of your Phones features while they are powered off to spy on you. You should also never use either your Haven Phones or your Alert Phones for anything other then their intended purpose. This will reduce the risk of you getting any Viruses that could be used to track you. This means no Facebook, Twitter, Web Surfing and downloading. A Hacker can’t just upload a virus on your device you have to give them an entry point to do so and if you don’t ever use these phones for anything other than your Haven App that shouldn't happen. While you are in your Safe Haven be sure that you don’t have your Haven Phones up and that you keep them in the Faraday Box. Remember the purpose of these phones is to spy on your Safe Haven and you don’t want anyone else to use that feature against you. The only time your Haven Phones should be out is when you are using them to protect your Safe Haven. Lastly when choosing a room for your Safe Haven you want one with as little entry points as possible. The ideal Safe Haven only has One door to go in and out of and NO Windows. However if there are more then one Entry Point make sure that you place your Haven Phones in a way that they will see anyone coming through them. You also want to possition them as best you can or use blinds, so that they can’t see anything outside of your Safe Haven. This information could potentially be used to help locate where your Safe Haven is.

Now you should have a working and anonymous Safe Haven. It might seem like a lot, but if your life depends on your identity staying Anonymous these are the steps that should be taken. An app or Service is only as good as the person utilizing it. Internet Privacy and Security Services are working everyday to try and protect your Anonymity, but if you leave a trail when using them there is nothing that can be done. Always use secure and anonymous forms of payment when purchasing these items and never have them shipped directly to you or your Safe Haven. To many anons have been lost because they didn't use a secure form of payment when utilizing there anonymous services.

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Internet Security and Privacy enthusiast “trying to make the Internet a safer place one story at a time.”