Onchain Trading- Why CEX Traders Are Rushing Into DeFi

Jen Albert
4 min readJun 12, 2023


Cryptocurrency trading has been dominated by centralized exchanges, or CEXs, for years, but storm clouds are brewing. Two industry behemoths, Coinbase and Binance, have found themselves embroiled in legal battles with the SEC, throwing a spotlight on regulatory uncertainty in the crypto sphere.

It’s not just the specter of regulatory action that’s putting CEXs in a tough spot. Past operational mishaps, like the notorious Mt.Gox debacle and the financial mismanagement that led to the downfall of FTX, Celsius, and 3AC, have instilled a deep sense of unease about CEXs. Despite their differing challenges, the ripples of fear have spread wide, prompting users to consider decentralized exchanges, or DEXs, as viable alternatives.

And we’re not just talking about a slight tilt in preferences. We’re witnessing a tectonic shift: DEXs have seen an almost 500% increase in traffic compared to CEXs in the same period, highlighting the growing importance of decentralization in the crypto world.

Historically, CEXs rose to prominence because they were accessible and user-friendly, making them ideal entry points for crypto newcomers. They offered low fees and fast transactions, not to mention convenient on-ramps and off-ramps for fiat currency. However, their centralized structure had inherent risks.

DEXs, on the other hand, built on blockchain technology, uphold the principles of transparency and decentralization. Users retain control of their assets, and smart contracts secure transactions, eliminating intermediaries. Importantly, DEXs are open-source, meaning anyone can audit and review the code. This openness allows for potential vulnerabilities to be identified and fixed, strengthening security, and enhancing market confidence.

That said, the path hasn’t been all rosy for DEXs either. They’ve grappled with slower transaction speeds, liquidity issues, high transaction costs, and less-than-friendly interfaces. But the tides are turning. DEXs are gradually bridging these gaps, thanks to technological breakthroughs, improved wallet solutions, and the introduction of trading bots, sophisticated arbitrageurs, and advanced aggregators. They’re becoming increasingly user-friendly, more efficient, and capable of managing liquidity and price stability issues.

As the latest example of evolution amongst DEXs, the market recently witnessed the launch of Carbon DeFi. Whether trading on a CEX or onchain, Carbon DeFi vastly improves the trading experience. In addition to incorporating features from CEXs previously unavailable in the DEX space, Carbon DeFi offers features unavailable anywhere else in the industry. It stands out with its clean and intuitive interface, appealing to traders of all levels, from novice to experienced. The protocol provides a seamless trading experience, allowing users to navigate effortlessly and express their views of the market confidently through custom strategy creation.

Carbon DeFi’s Main Features

  • Custom Strategy Creation: Custom buy and sell orders, linked together, to create a custom trading strategy.
  • Automated Range Trading: Carbon DeFi’s automated range trading feature dynamically shifts liquidity between the buy and sell orders within a strategy as orders are filled, providing a dynamic trading experience and compounding ROI.
  • Flexible Order Setting: Users have the flexibility to create orders as ranges or straight limit orders, allowing for a more tailored trading strategy. Within buy/sell ranges, users can choose to set ranges for the highs and lows, strict limit orders at a given price, or a combination thereof.
  • Ease of Modification: Once a strategy is in place, it can be quickly and easily adjusted without incurring significant Ethereum gas costs, and eliminating the need to remove and recreate positions.
  • Irreversible Orders: Unlike on protocols like Uniswap, where gains can evaporate in volatile markets, all orders placed on Carbon DeFi are irreversible, providing users with more advanced trading options.
  • MEV Resistance: Carbon DeFi’s asymmetric liquidity design provides resistance to miner extractable value (MEV) sandwich attacks, safeguarding user liquidity value and price expectations.
  • Clean and Intuitive Interface: The carbondefi.xyz app boasts a simple and user-friendly design, making it accessible to users of all levels. The protocol’s intuitive interface allows users to navigate effortlessly, create strategies, and trade with confidence.

With these features, Carbon DeFi empowers traders to take advantage of advanced trading strategies and offers a level of control and flexibility unique to the protocol. Users can execute trades with precision and customize their strategies to meet their specific needs.

While CEXs won’t vanish anytime soon, the rise of DEXs, exemplified by protocols like Carbon DeFi, signifies a transformative shift in the crypto exchange landscape.

In conclusion, the crypto exchange ecosystem is in the midst of an evolution. The challenges faced by centralized exchanges and the advancements in DEX technology are reshaping the way traders interact with digital assets. As the industry navigates the regulatory landscape, DEXs like Carbon DeFi offer a glimpse into the future of decentralized onchain trading, a future driven by innovation, transparency, and user empowerment.

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