A Blessed Daughter

Jenipha Edephonce
5 min readJun 12, 2023


Birthday Mood

The day we call Birthdays always comes with its essence.

Yes, It is a beautiful day where there are too few coming years I will still be walking in my Twenties. My 20s have come with many lessons, I don’t want to pause and say this is the last lesson I will have in my twenties, No! as long as I am still in this room I choose to explore, learn, and persevere on all the situations that will follow. To cut the story Najikomaza Kinoma na Nimeanza Kukomaa. What a tremendous journey!

So many Lessons I have been consuming in my 20s, and probably I cried a lot, I knocked on so many doors, sent many application letters, and received many rejection letters, I got selected for beautiful opportunities, and I met girls who are so passionate and inspired me a lot. The journey has been inspirational and full of down and up moments, the most important thing I learned is how you PERSEVERE it.

Hey, it’s still my birthday Month! I want to thank all my craziest girlfriends who have been there for me. Thank you, Lumi, Nyachi, Sharifa, Lucy, and Asma without forgetting all ladies who I couldn’t mention here. You are more than a family. You know girls! You deserve a damn hug.

My twenties have so many “Take pens and papers to write” and these are a few:

  • Maisha ni haya haya: This is probably the statement you hear every day. It softens your heart thinking life is not as complicated as you think. The truth is life will still be the same If you don’t fight for it. If you fight, you may lose or win, life will not be the same because you chose to execute. When you execute there is a lesson or win.
  • Yes, as humans it’s very hard to agree you have tutabia tubaya tubaya. Sometimes until certain scenarios, you discover that you have kitabia kibaya. It’s Ok. You are human. I used to get disappointed when someone said tutabia tubaya twangu. But I realized that growth comes with transition, and transition comes with reflection. As a human, it’s much better to do self reflection before someone come and point a finger at you.
  • I am not proud of tutabia tubaya twangu, and I will never be! but it helped me to discover the other side of my behavior that I wasn’t keen to face it. Probably my self-reflection has helped me to ask for forgiveness without the feeling of “naonewa” and that brought joy to my compassion. Today, I am proud of the woman I am becoming. I am proud that I have been seated and tried to study myself. To me, SELF-REFLECTION is POWER.
  • Execution. I remember one moment, I managed to coordinate 30 people to attend the event. It was my first thing, I was worried that people would not come. Until the day of the event, I couldn’t eat. But when the moment arrived, people came, more than the expected number. The courage I had there, will never shade away. Today if you ask me “Can you organize 1000 people to attend any event?” I will say I do. The courage I got from my first experience and the rest that followed gave me a reason to say I can. Because I executed. In your 20s you may have an idea, plan, project,t or anything Heeeeey Execute it.
  • FamilyFamily. There is peace in being loved by your family. You may grow and discover your parents experienced some of the past traumas that lead them to be apart. The truth is either you choose to follow the path by devouring this or spreading some love. It’s hard to agree our parents made some mistakes too, lived with traumas, and were sometimes not happy with the life they choose. Change the narrative and be the one to show It can be undone.
  • I am grateful for my twenties, very grateful. Glad that I have chosen to grow, explore, cry, smile, and glow. All the moments are worth reflecting on. To all people who loved me deeply thank you for this. I appreciate the moment. To all people who I disappointed you, for the feeling my behavior was no longer tolerated in your line of respect, I apologize for this. I can’t pour all the blame on human weaknesses sentence, probably this was tutabia tubaya twangu that I was not yet discovered.
  • Do you pray!? Yes, I pray. It gives me courage, and hope. In some moments being strong was the only option I had. It helped me to navigate those situations. To me, Praying it’s Submission, surrendering all responsibilities to GOD knowing that there is power can do things for you. I work hard for my part and the rest I pour to God.
  • Speak well for yourself. Be the first to speak well for yourself. My diary will tell you that✍️
  • I am BLESSED JENIPHA, GOD BLESSED my Work and He Will Continue to Do So, My Family is Blessed, My cycle is Blessed, and my Children are Blessed. My Generation will be the Great And Inspired Generation, No one in my family will be the last. No enemies against my Life shall prosper. I will live a long life, loved and full of love epitome. I declare a good life for me. I will work hard for myself, family and the people I love. I am the WINNER for it. Amen.



Jenipha Edephonce

About me?! A crescendo of growth, above all, she is a Cybersecurity Lover and Technology Enthusiast.