5 Grand Reasons to Visit the Grand Canyon

Jenna Franklin
3 min readDec 17, 2019

Did you know that the Grand Canyon creates its own weather? Elevation changes influence temperature and precipitation. So, if the temperature is really low at one point, just 8 miles away,it could be the hottest. The canyon surprises its visitors in many other ways. No wonder, it is the second most visited national park in the United States, drawing 6 million visitors to the South Rim each year, says an article on Tennessean.

As this natural wonder celebrates its centennial as a national park in 2019, let’stake a look at the key reasons why this is a must-visit destination.

1. Scenic Beauty
The Colorado River cuts through the canyon and stretches up to 277 miles, offering mesmerizing views to millions of tourists, says an article by US Local Guide. The Grand Canyon was declared as a UNESCO World Heritage Site for being one of the most spectacular places in the world. No photographs or descriptions can ever completely describe the timeless beauty of the canyon. The stunning visual changes and the vastness can only be experienced. It stretches for more than 100 miles and is nothing less than a true American experience.

2. Learning Adventures
There are tons of educational activities,including internet programs and field trips,offered to guests by the national park. Tourists are given opportunities to learn about the wildlife and history of the canyon. The educational branch of the park also offers up to 5 hours of field education for students of Grade 3 through 12. These trips are free of cost and mostly take place in and around the South Rim. The programs include geology, ecology and history of the canyon. The national park makes for an ideal setting for outdoor learning.

3. Iconic Activities
You can hike for miles here, since most of the area has been left in its pristine natural state. The Colorado offers rafting opportunities, giving you the chance to get a whole different perspective of the vast canyon as you raft down the river. Helicopter rides are also offered to tourists for that perfect bird’s eye view of the canyon. Apart from these, the Grand Canyon Railway offers rides between Arizona, Williams and the South Rim. The railway line stretches across 64 miles and offers stunning views of the canyon,creating a memorable experience. You can also explore the South Rim on a bicycle.

4. Camping Opportunities
The Grand Canyon National Park offers camping opportunities for tourists from all across the globe. There are multiple places you can choose for overnight camping, such as Tuweep Campground, North Rim of Grand Canyon, outside Mather campground and more. At the North Rim, you can also experience ski camping.

5. The Wildlife
The national park is home to about 447 species of birds, 91 species of mammals, 48 species of reptiles, 10 species of amphibians and hundreds of other animals, according to information provided by the National Park Service.However, even if you are a wildlife enthusiast, avoid feeding the animals, making too much noise and clicking pictures, to help preserve the natural environment.

The Grand Canyon offers a magical escape from the hectic city life. The stunning sunrise and sunset, the enchanting silence, fresh air and natural beauty, awe inspiring sights and endless fun activities make it one of the most appealing tourist destinations in America.

