Seasonal Allergies are Nothing to Sniff At — 7 Ways to Protect Your Eyes and Nose this Spring

Jenna Franklin
3 min readMar 12, 2019

For most people I know, spring is a magical season — full of colorful flowers, cool breezes and lounging around in parks. But not for a lot of seasonal allergy sufferers like me.

Over 50 million Americans suffer from seasonal allergies every year, according to statistics revealed by the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology.

That’s a large number of peoplesniffling and coughing through one of the best seasons of the year. How can something as glorious as a blooming flower make me sneeze, sniffle and cough? Well, when pollen from flowers comes into contact with the nose or eyes of people who are allergic, the body’s immune system considers it as a foreign body and starts working to fight it. The fight triggers symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, persistent cough and itchy and watery eyes.

Here are some tips for controlling springtime allergies and preventing them before they even start.

1. Cover Your Face When You Go Outside
If you are prone to spring allergies, then the best way to avoid triggers is to stay inside. But, then that’s not always possible. If you need to go outside, make sure you don the necessary protection. Wear a hat, sunglasses, and a face mask to protect pollen from entering your eyes and nose.

2. Get Eye Drops
Eye drops are very effective for those suffering from seasonal allergies, as they can help expel pollen and other debris from your eyes, says Dr. Aizman, a clinical assistant professor at NYU Medical Center. Eye drops work fast. In just15 to 20 minutes you can feel the itchinesssubsiding.

3. Wash Your Hair Before Going to Bed
Most people don’t realize that your hair acts as a perfect trap for catching pollen, debris, and dust. Eventually, these particles get from your hair and into your nose and eyes, triggering allergy symptoms. So, make sure that you wash your hair clean before going to bed, especially during spring.

4. Leave Your Footwear Outside
I love this about Asians. They have separate pairs of footwear for indoor and outdoor use. Take your shoes off at your front door. This way, you don’t bring in the dirt, dust, and pollen from outdoors inside your home, keeping it allergen-free.

5. Spring Clean Your Home
Having a clean allergen-free home is one of the best ways to prevent your sinuses from acting up. Apart from getting your wardrobe ready for spring, you need to also, get your apartment ready for the season. Do a deep clean, wipe away dirt and dust from all the nooks and crannies. Don’t dust your home, as it only causes the dust to pollute the indoor air. Instead, use a damp cloth to wipe away the dirt and dust.

6. Clear Your Nasal Passage
Around 83% of patients suffering from sinus headaches cited weather changes as the reason, according to a study cited by the International Forum of Allergy & Rhinology. You can use a nose cleaning system to keep your sinuses clean. Having clean nasal passages prevents stuffiness and headaches.

7. Take Allergy Meds Before Symptoms Arise
The best way to prevent seasonal allergies is to take the right precautions before the onset of symptoms. If you take allergy meds, then consult your physician and start it well-ahead before allergy season begins, preferably one week ahead. This way, the medications are already in your bloodstream and act when needed.

Don’t let seasonal sniffles prevent you from enjoying the wonders of spring. Use the seven tips listed above and be sniffle-free this spring!

