Dos and Don’ts of Sauna Sessions for Your Hair

Jenna Franklin
3 min readOct 25, 2019


Research conducted on 2,315 men, aged 42 to 60 years, revealed that those who used a sauna at least four to seven times a week were 63% less likely to die of a heart attack!This survey was done to find out the number of people who benefitted from sauna therapy, according to an article on Medical news Today. But did you know that along with reducing stress and soothing pain, other possible health benefits of a sauna includenourishing and rejuvenating your hair?The heat generated in a sauna helps improve blood circulation to your scalp, promoting relaxation and hair growth. The best part is that no matter how a sauna is heated, it helps you ease any discomforts in the exact same way.

Sauna for Hair Growth
According to Harvard Health, sauna sessions promote blood flow to the skin surface and hair follicles. The higher the blood flow, the better will be the hair growth. Blood effectively carries all the required oxygen and nutrients to every part of our body and the result is a quite visiblein terms of hair growth.

And, a sauna doesn’t only help to your hair grow better, it also effectively shields hair from damage, breakage and becoming brittle due to pollution, stress and other reasons associated with our hectic lifestyle. A sauna room can have temperaturesas high as 185oF, which efficiently stimulates hair vitalization, while retaining the moisture. Intense heat helps to remove toxins and dead cells while cleaning the blood vessels, says an article on The Sauna Place.

Protect Your Hair
Moisture is one of the most important ingredients of hair health. Saunas generate dry heat, which can have a harmful effect on the curls and coils of your strands. For many, a sauna is a regular part of their healthcare routine. Often, we overlook the side effects of these therapies, which could damage hair cells, eventually. While a sauna can dry out your hair, deep conditioning can help lockin the moisture and keep the scalp hydrated. Also, saunas will never cause permanent damage. But it might leave your hair frizzy and unmanageable.

Take a little bit of a silicone-based hair serum and spread it out evenly on your hair before stepping inside the sauna. This way you can protect your hair from getting damaged. Tie up your hair in a bun and use a satin or felt shower cap. Avoid staying in the room for more than 20 minutes. Before entering, you can wrap you head in a damp towel too, to help keep the heat out and moisture in.

A Few Quick Tips on What to Do After a Sauna Session
1. Moisturize your hair but avoid glycerin-based moisturizers. They might just rob away the hydration from your scalp.
2. Try massaging your hair with a Hyaluronic Acid Serum to restore the lost moisture from your scalp.
3. Sleep for a while after the session is over. This will prolong the sense of calm and peace, which is good for every part of the body.
4. Eat something salty, because when you sweat in the sauna, you lose a lot of salt from your body.
5. Last but not the least, the best way to enjoy a sauna is to take a refreshing cold shower after every 15 minutes, says an article on Tylo Life.

Sauna sessions are known to provide overall physical and mental health benefits. Why not try them for your hair health as well?

