I have reached the ‘Duuuuude’ stage of raising a boy. Another bittersweet milestone.
As unsentimental as it may seem, the word (silly as it may be) is another turning point.
Duuuuuuude – DIDJA SEE THAT?!
…each carrying a different, sharp tone.
There is no retreating away from… “Dude”.
My little adorable boy… is now a farting, burping, dude-saying little man.
It’s like this new stage of motherhood (and fatherhood?…I don’t know. Is it the same for guys?)
He’s just…not little anymore. Who knew the word “dude” would hold this… kind-of weird, grey cloud over my head.
After further thought…I’ve decided that you guys are not lumped into this range of emotions – this is, more-than-likely the stage you’ve been waiting for all along. So for that – congratulations, guys…You’ve made it through the baby/toddler/little phase.
What Happens The First Time Your Son Says: “Dude”.
Did you hear that?!…There was UMPH behind that ‘Duuude’. That’s funny…
…really silly.
No…Actually…It’s not.
My kid be like:
And then, I call him over to give him a hug…aaand… to make sure I could still pick him up…
(which I could)
so…I mean, it could be worse.
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Originally published at properlyridiculous.com on October 14, 2014.