5 Important Red Flags That Will Always Help You Spot A Narcissist

4 min readAug 5, 2021

The red flags I wished I had known sooner

Source: DEVN on Unsplash

The topic of narcissists has been rapidly growing over the past year. The concept of narcissists has, to put it lightly, been overused and misunderstood.

All narcissists are different, just as no two people are alike, no two narcissists will be completely the same.

Narcissism shouldn’t be a term that is used lightly. Narcissism is the consistent use of manipulation that occurs at the hands of a narcissist. It is important to remember these top signs so you can always spot a narcissist — or not!

Have a narcissist in your life? Then you might like this:

From my personal experience with a narcissist, I have learned the easiest and most noticeable red flags.

1. Superiority

Have you ever met someone who you feel is always trying to one-up you? You know, nothing you do is ever as good as what they’ve done? Or maybe they always give off this air that they are far better than…




MS in Psychology | Mom of three cats, a puppy, and many plants | That Psych Nerd |