Observations from Channels TV

J'ennique Consulting


Media is peer driven right now. Power has moved from the brand to the consumer. Innovation and consistency is paramount whilst you are evolving with the market and the key thing is being consistent with your brand essence and promise.

Being able to understand the changes in the market and ride the market tide is innovation in itself. Consistency comes in when amidst the changes and adaptations your brand message, promise and core still remains the same. They just change to suit market demographic needs.

Taking a quick look at Channels TV, I have been able to identify some tweaks they adopted in order to enable them compete and stay ahead in the ever evolving market during the course of time:

New Media

Channels TV promises to deliver to their audience news at their fingertips. Well, they are doing just that. Fortunately for them, the recent changes in the technological environment were just what they needed to effectively deliver on their brand promise. If you want to maintain your stay-ahead advantage as a brand, you have to strategically incorporate observed changes in the market environment into your strategy to enable your product/service offerings suit market demographic needs.

User Interface

It’s no doubt that Channels TV has made getting “news at your fingertips” an exciting experience. The launch of the Channels TV Mobile for Apple, Android and Windows phone was one remarkable upturn for them.

With features like the offline storage which allows users to read new headlines offline and the i-Witness functionality which allows users to report news around them. This particular feature has induced a lot of engagement.

It’s no longer all about what the brand is telling, it’s now in the hands of you & I, and that’s what Channels TV has taken advantage of. They allow you communicate, always asking audience what they want to see and that exchange- that communication- is very strong. They understand their audience comes first.

Presentation styles

To begin with, I commend Channels TV for their presentation styles. Notice the ambiance, how it is usually very relaxed? They have not lost their “News telling seriousness” but have done well carrying their audience along. They’ve been able to notice a gradual shift in their audience from the generation X to the millennial generation and therefore adopted systems to suit these changes without losing the brand’s personality.

Channels TV is changing as the market changes and these changes are focused on suiting consumer needs. That’s what’s happening with every brand, each demographic is changing. At some point, Channels TV viewers sat in front of their TV and they served them well. Then they moved to the front of their computers and Channels served them there as well. Later on, viewers were no longer static, always on the go, hence the Channels TV mobile app and the dynamism and adaptation continues.

However, they have been able to stay true to and have remained consistent in delivering their brand promise despite the evolution and this is innovative. Every change made was strategic and true to their promise which is to deliver news to audience members at their fingertips.

If you do something well, you eventually get recognized for it, right? Well, at the 2015 edition of the Nigeria merit award, top media network, Channels TV won the best TV station for a record 10th time- this made it their 6th time in a row! This is just one of the many awards that have accrued to Channels TV overtime.

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J'ennique Consulting

J'ennique Consulting is a niche affluent marketing consultancy offering Strategic Marketing Advisory to the HNI consumer segment of select sectors.