Does God Really Care About the Brokenhearted? What Does the Bible Say?

Let’s take a closer look!

Jenny Alexander


Photo by Alex on Unsplash

Are you tired of hurting? Are you longing for healing? No matter what you believe about God, you may be wondering if there is Someone who cares about what you’re going through.

It’s a valid question. It is hard to go through emotional pain. I know, I’ve been there. It’s lonely, isn’t it? Even if you have people in your life, you can still suffer in silence. Because when you’re alone, the big questions of life hit you hard.

You know the ones I’m talking about: What’s the point of my pain? Is there even a God? And if there is, does He care?

These questions have entered the minds of many of us. Even seasoned believers sometimes doubt God. One of the biggest questions during difficult times is, “Does God care about my pain?”

Is there an answer? Let’s turn to the Bible and see what it says.

Word Study

If you’re curious about a particular topic and want to see what the Bible says, BlueLetterBible is a wonderful resource. It’s an online dictionary that enlightens our understanding about a particular phrase or word.

In this case, I typed the word brokenhearted into its search bar and discovered that it…



Jenny Alexander

I write to encourage self-published authors and teach them what I've learned. YouTube: