Graph Database.

Graph Databases: A Comprehensive Overview and Guide. Part1

Jeremiah M. Adepoju
7 min readJan 23, 2024

In this article guide, I’ll be exploring the world of NoSQL databases, specifically Graph databases, their historical context, and all to know about Graph databases to get started:

Graph databases are a type of NoSQL database that employs graph structures for data representation and retrieval. Unlike traditional relational databases, which use tables and rows, graph databases use nodes and edges to model and store data. Nodes represent entities, while edges depict relationships between these entities. This fundamental structure allows for efficient management of complex relationships and interconnected data.

Graph databases excel in scenarios where relationships are as crucial as the data itself. They provide a natural and intuitive way to navigate and query interconnected information, making them particularly suitable for applications such as social networks, recommendation systems, and fraud detection.

A. Historical Context
The roots of graph databases can be traced back to the mid-20th century, with the development of graph theory by mathematicians like Leonhard Euler. However, the formal application of graph structures to database systems gained momentum in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.

One milestone in the history of graph databases is the introduction of the property graph model. This model, which includes nodes, edges, and properties associated with both, became a foundational concept. In the early 2000s, the emergence of powerful and scalable graph database systems like Neo4j marked a significant advancement, making graph databases more accessible and practical for various industries.

The increasing complexity of data relationships in fields such as social media, bioinformatics, and knowledge graphs further fueled the adoption of graph databases. Today, they stand as a crucial component in the landscape of data management, offering a versatile solution to the challenges posed by interconnected data structures.

B. Characteristics of Graph Databases
1. Nodes and Edges
Graph databases are distinguished by their fundamental building blocks: nodes and edges. These elements form the backbone of the graph model, enabling a flexible and intuitive representation of data.

A. Nodes
Nodes are fundamental units in a graph database, representing entities or objects in the system. Each node typically contains properties or attributes that define the characteristics of the entity it represents. For example, in a social network graph, nodes could represent users, and properties might include attributes like name, age, or location.
Nodes are versatile and can be expanded to accommodate diverse data types, making them suitable for modeling various real-world scenarios.

B. Edges
Edges establish relationships between nodes, depicting connections or associations. These relationships are crucial for capturing the context and interconnectivity within the data. Edges can have labels and properties, providing additional information about the nature of the relationship. For instance, in a graph representing a network topology, edges could be labeled to indicate communication protocols or bandwidth capacities. Relationships are often directional, meaning the order in which nodes are connected matters. This directional nature allows for the representation of asymmetric connections in the data.

C. Graph Schema
Unlike traditional relational databases with predefined schemas, graph databases typically have a schema that evolves with the data. Nodes and edges can be added dynamically, making the graph model agile and adaptable to changing requirements. The absence of a rigid schema allows for a more natural representation of data, especially in scenarios where relationships play a central role.

D. Graph Traversals
The structure of nodes and edges facilitates efficient graph traversals. Traversing from one node to another through connected edges is a key operation for querying and analyzing graph data. Algorithms for graph traversals, like depth-first search (DFS) and breadth-first search (BFS), are fundamental for navigating and extracting information from the interconnected graph structure.

Nodes and edges collectively form a powerful and expressive model that captures the complexity of relationships in data. This distinctive characteristic makes graph databases well-suited for scenarios where understanding and leveraging connections are critical, such as social networks, supply chain management, and fraud detection.

C. Graph Database Query Language
Graph databases employ specialized query languages to interact with and retrieve information from the graph model. These languages are designed to navigate the complex relationships between nodes and edges efficiently. One of the most widely used query languages for graph databases is Cypher.

  1. Cypher Query Language
    Cypher is a declarative query language specifically designed for graph databases, with its syntax focusing on patterns within the graph. Queries in Cypher resemble patterns in the graph, making them more intuitive. For example, a query to find friends of a user in a social network might look like

`MATCH (user)-[: FRIEND]->(friend) RETURN friend`
Cypher supports various operations like filtering, sorting, and aggregating data, providing a comprehensive toolset for querying graph databases. For more information on Cypher query language, go through

2. Gremlin
Another widely used query language is Gremlin, which is a graph traversal language. Unlike Cypher, Gremlin is a graph traversal language that works with various graph databases, providing a more generalized approach to graph querying. Gremlin queries involve traversing the graph by specifying steps to move from one vertex or edge to another. This traversal-centric approach offers flexibility in querying diverse graph structures. An example of the gremlin query language is:

// Find all friends of a user named Alice
g.V().has(‘name’, ‘Alice’).out(‘FRIEND’).values(‘name’)

In the above example:

g.V(): Represents all vertices in the graph.
.has(‘name’, ‘Alice’): Filters vertices to find those with the property ‘name’ equal to ‘Alice.’
.out(‘FRIEND’): Traverses outgoing edges labeled ‘FRIEND.’
.values(‘name’): Retrieves the ‘name’ property of the resulting vertices.

D. ACID Properties in Graph Databases
Despite the inherent flexibility in modeling data relationships, graph databases adhere to the ACID properties to ensure data consistency and reliability and they include;

1. Atomicity
Atomicity guarantees that database transactions are treated as a single, indivisible unit. In the context of graph databases, this means that a series of operations within a transaction either fully succeed or fail, preventing partial updates that could leave the database in an inconsistent state.

2. Consistency
Consistency ensures that a database transitions from one valid state to another, maintaining the integrity of the data. In graph databases, consistency is crucial to preserving the interconnected nature of nodes and edges during transactions.

3. Isolation
Isolation ensures that transactions do not interfere with each other, even when executed concurrently. This property is essential in scenarios where multiple transactions may be altering relationships between nodes simultaneously.

4. Durability
Durability guarantees that once a transaction is committed, its effects persist, even in the event of a system failure. This is particularly important for graph databases to recover and maintain the consistency of relationships after unexpected disruptions.

Adhering to ACID properties in graph databases is vital for ensuring the reliability and integrity of data, especially when dealing with interconnected structures. This commitment to ACID principles distinguishes graph databases as robust and reliable solutions for managing complex relationships.

E. Types of Graph Databases
1. Property Graph Databases
Property graph databases are a type of graph database that models nodes and relationships between nodes, with the addition of properties associated with both. Key characteristics of property graph databases include:

a. Nodes with Properties
Nodes in a property graph can have associated properties, which are key-value pairs providing additional information about the entity represented by the node. For instance, in a social network, a user node may have properties like “name,” “age,” or “location.”

b. Relationships with Properties
Relationships (edges) between nodes in property graph databases can also have properties. These properties convey details about the nature or strength of the relationship. This flexibility allows for a nuanced representation of interconnected data.

2. RDF Graph Databases
RDF (Resource Description Framework) graph databases use a different approach, focusing on the representation of data as subject-predicate-object triples. Key features of RDF graph databases include:

a. Triple Structure
I. Subject, Predicate, Object

In RDF, each piece of data is expressed as a triple, which consists of three components: subject, predicate, and object.

- Subject: It represents the resource or entity about which the statement is made.
- Predicate: It signifies the relationship or attribute between the subject and the object.
- Object: It denotes the value or target of the relationship.

Consider the triple “Alice knows Bob.” Here, “Alice” is the subject, “knows” is the predicate, and “Bob” is the object.
The triple structure is highly flexible, allowing for the representation of diverse types of relationships and data.This flexibility accommodates complex data models, making RDF suitable for describing and linking various types of information.

b. Graph-based Representation
I. Graph Structure
RDF triples naturally form a graph structure, where nodes represent resources (subjects or objects), and edges represent predicates. This graph-based representation is intuitive and aligns well with how data is interconnected in the real world. RDF graph databases excel at querying interconnected data. Queries can traverse the graph to uncover patterns, relationships, and connections between different entities.

c. Semantic Web Principles
I. Linked Data
RDF supports the principles of Linked Data, allowing for the creation of a web of interconnected data. Entities in RDF can be linked to external data sources, enabling a richer and more contextualized understanding of information. RDF’s standardized data model facilitates interoperability between different systems and applications.
It aligns with the vision of the Semantic Web, where machines can understand and process data in a meaningful way.

d. RDF Query Language (SPARQL)
I. SPARQL Queries
RDF graph databases typically use SPARQL (SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language) for querying and retrieving data.SPARQL allows users to express complex queries to navigate and extract information from the RDF graph.
Example SPARQL Query:

SELECT ?subject ?object
?subject knows ?object.


In conclusion, this guide has provided a comprehensive overview of graph databases, covering their historical context, characteristics, query languages (Cypher and Gremlin), adherence to ACID properties, and the two main types: Property Graph Databases and RDF Graph Databases. Graph databases excel in scenarios where relationships are crucial, offering an intuitive way to model and manage interconnected data.

Stay tuned for Part 2 of this series, where we will delve deeper into advanced topics, explore use cases, and provide practical insights to help you harness the full potential of graph databases in your applications. Whether you’re navigating social networks, building recommendation systems, or tackling complex data relationships, understanding the nuances of graph databases is essential. Don’t miss the next installment for a more in-depth exploration. Happy graphing!



Jeremiah M. Adepoju

ML/AI Researcher at ML Commons and several open source AI communities, Writes about latest research and trends in AI and Quantum Machine Learning.