Editor: The Rich-Text Editor Add-On For FileMaker

Jeremy Brown
2 min readJun 14, 2018


Introducing Editor.

Editor is THE rich-text editing tool for FileMaker. It is familiar for users and flexible for developers. Editor provides a full-suite of text-formatting tools for writing projects such as notes and blog posts. The formatting is saved, and can be retrieved for further editing. Editor is the best way to provide formatted text for FileMaker.

Familiar for the User

Editor provides many of the formatting options we use every day in online editing tools.

Any user can

  • Change the style of text: h1, h2, h3, normal, and code (among others).
  • Apply bold, italics, strike-thru, underline formatting.
  • Align text in standard ways
  • Add ordered or unordered lists
  • Indent or outdent text
  • Insert text or images
  • Change the font or background color.

Additionally, FileMaker scripts can be used to add pre-defined text and images.

Flexibility for the Developer

Editor is all Native FileMaker

Even though the editor and the text is a JavaScript application running in a web viewer, the developer has complete control of the implementation and customization of the app. Here are some reasons why.

  • The web viewer app is self-contained in a separate file, making it easy to integrate into an existing custom app.
  • The design of the layout and toolbar buttons (outside the web viewer) is all done in FileMaker. You can completely change how it looks just using FileMaker layout mode.
  • The buttons run FileMaker scripts.
  • The editor toolbar and theme can be controlled via scripts. If you want to remove the “h1” formatting option, remove that from the scripting.

See the possible customization options available.

The Best FileMaker Rich-Text Experience

Editor is the best way to format text in FileMaker We’re excited about the potential. We have lots of thoughts about how it can be used, and we will be sharing ideas.

Learn all about Editor

Download it for free to try it out. The demo comes fully functional, though it does have a 1000 character limit. So give it a spin and see how easy it is to format (and save) text in FileMaker.

Originally published at Geist Interactive.

