5 Great Apps To Level Up Your Content Creation Workflow From Your Phone

Jerry Lane
8 min readJun 28, 2022

Hello friends.

How are you doing? I’ve crafted this post for you over the last week or so while I’ve been isolating due to catching COVID-19. I’d dodged it since the pandemic hit back in 2020 but it finally got me. I’m grateful to say the symptoms have been very mild at their worst, and my isolation is now finished and I’m symptom free for 4 days.

With a little extra time on my hands I was thinking of ways I can contribute more back to those of you who have followed my work, and have been listing out ideas during the odd periods of brain fog over the last week or so.

One way in which I believe I can provide greater value to you is in sharing more tips & tricks, insights, and more into how I do my work, and the tools & systems that work best for me.

I’m kicking things off today with a few tips for those running social channels for themselves, their passion project, or for work. These tips are all about maximising your phone in your content development workflow.

For context, my phone of choice is an iPhone 12 Max Pro. I won’t get into any debates around iPhone versus Android. Quite frankly I find the debate online around it to be nauseating. The fact of the situation is there are brilliant phones on both side of the fence…



Jerry Lane

Photographer & filmmaker capturing light & life on the south west coast of Ireland. Lover of slow & sustainable living.