Stranger Than Fiction, But Not By Much

How losing at a long term battle can benefit the future.

Jerry Lane
2 min readApr 10, 2016
It’s easier to get down to the bottom, than it is to climb all the way back up.

There is a strange place in my mind. The kind that feels easiest to relate to those tug of war challenges from school sports days. Only, it’s just me, and i’m pulling to the left and the right.

On the left lives hope, a youthful, healthy body full of ideas, ambitions, & creativity. The ‘me’ I long to be. It never loses an inch from it’s starting point. It never looks shaken or worried about losing the battle at hand. Its lead grows, no more than a step at a time, but it grows. Once in a while a step is met by a minor slip at the end, immediately steadied and greeted only by dismissive laughter.

To the right stands fear. The man I was, not even a year ago. A strange, negative body that spends most of its time puffing and panting its way along. Self-destructive and torn, it yearns for the times it was mere inches from victory. Times where one movement of its arm along that rope could strike absolute horror to the mind of its opponent. Times past.

Together they create conflict. Conflict that makes the act of creating one of ease, or the stuff of absolute nightmares. The idea that everything has an equal and opposite reaction has never felt more true. The difficult times — the troughs, were always followed by…



Jerry Lane

Photographer & filmmaker capturing light & life on the south west coast of Ireland. Lover of slow & sustainable living.