‘A vision of one’s self out of the corner of your eye’

An Introduction to AI based Doppelgänger Marketing

Jerry Abiog


Article originally published here.

Urban Dictionary defines doppelgänger as ‘looking the same as another, that isn’t a twin.’ We all know someone that looks like someone famous. The doppelgänger concept can be applied to marketing as well. The funniest example where this is seen is in the 1988 romantic comedy, Coming to America. Three of the characters, Prince Akeem (Eddie Murphy), Semmi (Arsenio Hall) and Maurice (Louie Anderson) work for Cleo McDowell (John Amos) — owner of a fast food restaurant, McDowell’s. Upon watching, one can clearly tell that this is a McDonald’s doppelgänger aka lookalike that is violating some trademark law. Hilarity ensures during this exchange:

Maurice: Mr. McDowell.

Cleo: Yes.

Maurice: There are some people here to see you.

Cleo: They’re not from McDonalds are they?

Maurice: I don’t think so

Now, not all doppelgänger marketing activities result in possible trademark violations or unfavorable comparisons. In this article, we show how doppelgänger marketing in social media, particularly for Facebook can help drive top line growth for your business.

The Power of Facebook

Back when I graduated college many moons ago, one could make a good living selling ads in the Yellow Pages or your local newspaper. At that time, these mediums served as one of the best ways to get your product messaging to the masses. Those days are now long gone. Now, one of the best ways to reach your target audience is through Facebook, which according to Martech Today has over 2 billion users. During the 4thquarter of last year, Facebook generated over $16 billion in ad revenue. Other Facebook fun facts:

· 22% of global population are active on Facebook, including 68% of adults in America

· 52% of consumers were heavily persuaded by Facebook when making purchases both online and offline –this is continuing to grow

· 66% of social media users log on to research new products and services

· New customer acquisition costs have gone down as much as 73% due to Facebook’s Custom Audiences feature

With Facebook’s power, breadth and reach across the planet, why aren’t all businesses that use their advertising platform all zillionaires?

Are you Happy with the Results of your Ad Spend on Facebook?

Studies have proven that mass advertising just doesn’t give you the ‘bang for your buck’ compared to an uber- targeted approach. Now implementing micro segmentation and hyper personalization with ad placement can be done with the custom audience feature in Facebook. Lookalike audiences for your business can be sourced via:

· Website traffic

· App activity

· Offline activity

· Engagement

· Customer file

We will focus on remarketing to a business’ customer file and how AI based doppelgänger marketing using micro segmentation and hyper personalization in conjunction with Facebook’s powerful Lookalike Audience feature are the weapons you’ll need to maximize your ROAS (return on ad spend).

How to Turbo Charge your ROAS Using AI Based Doppelgänger Marketing!

As long as your business has at least 100+ emails from folks who have made purchases, you can begin to take advantage of AI based doppelgänger marketing using micro segmentation and hyper personalization. Prior to uploading your customer list into Facebook (this is the easy part); you’ll need to do homework to better understand your customers.

Remarketing to your customers, whether you have 100 or 1M has never been easier with the power of AI. Now, there are tools available that automatically micro segment and hyper personalize your customer’s buying patterns in seconds. This will give Facebook more ammunition to find that doppelgänger aka lookalike that will make purchases. Using micro segmentation and hyper personalization you can:

· Create Facebook ads that show top selling products in a particular state, city, or even zip code

· Target customers based on their recency, frequency, monies spent

· Provide variable offers

Consider a company that has a 2K+ customer list that sells two types of sunglasses — one for running and golfing. Also, note that this company has well over 100 products in their store. Now, with also this information, do you have a proper remarketing strategy for Facebook in place? Consider:

· Top selling products in GA are running sunglasses A, B, C,

o Jerry is a customer between the ages of 40–50 that lives in Atlanta and likes to run

· Top selling products in FL are golfing sunglasses D, E, F,

o Vik is a customer, between the ages of 40–50 that lives in Tampa and likes to golf

Once you have all this info, the customer list that you upload into Facebook will become much more powerful. When Facebook is done remarketing your micro segmented and hyper personalized ads to me and Vik, it will now begin to look for our doppelgänger — presenting only the products relevant to our area and/or behavior patterns.

As with anything involving the use of AI, you’ll need to monitor the performance of your ads. One of the beauties of AI is that this incorporates unsupervised learning. Top selling products could change tomorrow. Now top selling sunglasses in GA are A, E, & C vs FL which are D, B, & F. Taking ownership of your remarketing strategies on Facebook has never been easier with readily available AI tools that will drive top line growth for your business.

What are you currently doing to maximize your Facebook ROAS?

Schedule a 15 minute demo to see how the team at Standard Insights and their SmartChoiceAI Doppelgänger Marketing platform can turbo charge your ROAS on Facebook.

Connect with me on LinkedIn. I would love to hear from you.

