Jerry Gustoso | Secret Tips that Real Estate agents do not share with anyone

Jerry Gustoso
4 min readMar 20, 2018


Jerry Gustoso is an authorized real estate consultant with diversity year of expertise in Hoboken, USA. As preliminary this career, Jerry was a law administration expert in Hudson County for more than 15 years. we did manage to find some real estate brokers who are happy to discuss some trade-secret real estate strategies. So study on — but shh, do not tell!

Staging Changes from Year to Year

The idea of staging was once a top secret. That cat’s been out of the case for a while now, but the training of staging homes carries on to evolve — and it can be much more difficult and elaborate than simply making a cozy conversation area in a living room. For instance, did you know that it’s much better to use shorter furnishings during summer months? “It makes the room feel larger, longer, and in the potential buyer’s imagination, a better fit,” says Jerry Gustoso Real Estate Advisor – Furnishings with a Soul. Another staging secret is to play smooth background music during showings to make a home seem nice.

Jerry Gustoso

2. People Like a Healthy lawn

Who can avoid the smell of freshly cut grass? Obviously, buyers can’t. “He uses our system to order last-minute lawn mowing and trimming before every show. I have seen her get one home’s lawn cut three times in one week.”

3. Rates-strategy Bands are Significant

Setting up the right value so your home will sell is not a key, but have you ever observed of rates within “bands?” “Purchasers who want to spend $340,000 on a home may look between $325,000 and $350,000. If that’s the seller’s focus on market, then rates a home at $351,000 will result in a lot of prospective buyers missing the list altogether.” So what’s the secret solution? Jerry Gustoso says to price the home at $349,000. If you selling price it at $351,000, you will get people looking for the band between $350,000 & $375,000. “Those buyers likely want something fancier or better than a $351,000 house,” he says.

4. You can Negotiate your Broker’s Commission … but should you?

It’s still a top secret to many sellers that they can negotiate their broker’s commission. But it might be a mistake to do so just because you can. “Often it’s the bad [agents] who provide to discount their commissions. They are doing this to attempt and win the business,” He says, In other words, as with several things in life, you get what you spend for. “A truly outstanding [agent] who executes the transaction speedily and wonderfully and sells the house at a good amount is worth every penny,” says Gustoso.

5. Black Holes Exist in Real Estate Listings

People can not see black holes; no lighting gets out, making them hidden. If your itemizing falls into a real estate black hole, no one will see it possibly. “Most towns have listing black holes — times when listings get lost to vacations of the sun, family vacations, and non business topics,” He says If you list right before persons go out of towns, such as before Memorial Day or the 4th of July, your itemizing may get buried before prospective buyers see it.

6. Exaggerations in Listings Only Dissatisfy

People on relationship sites often fudge their age group or post a photo that makes them look more athletic than they actually are. This works in the brief term to capture consideration, but when the face-to-face conference happens, those exaggerated online claims often lead to disappointment. The same happens with real estate listings. “If your home is placed near a tiny pond, do not describe it as if it’s this large, luxurious beachfront lake desirable to all,” He says “Take what you do have and explain the best features of it. Typically, buyers may be turned off and disappointed.”

7. A Listing Cannot Sit Very Long

In a popular market, “too long” for a house to sit unsold is 3 to 4 weeks, max. “That’s a sure signal [the house] is costly,” says Jerry Gustoso. If you do not want to show up desperate by losing the value, price the home reasonably from the start. “It’s much better to be in a location where the seller has many offers than to get selfish trying to obtain an impractical price — only to decrease it later,”.

8. There is a Property-Buying Month

Many real estate brokers mark Feb’s Presidents Day weekend as the unofficial start of the housing season, which runs through Sept. There is then a stable decline in activity until the upcoming year. But there’s one month throughout housing season that continually performs better in sales than all the others. Can you suppose this secret month? If you responded to June, you would be right. Real estate sales in June are typically 29% over average.



Jerry Gustoso

Prior to real estate Jerry Gustoso was a law enforcement officer in Hudson County for more than 15 years.