3 Ways to Lead a Balanced and fulfilling life

4 min readJun 13, 2023


Every person has a different perspective on the concept of life. It differs according to each and every individual person. Life becomes a Boon or a bane based on how people live their life.

According to me, there are 3 ways to lead a balanced and fulfilling life, let’s see them one by one below.

1. Maintain your health:

Maintaining your health is one of the most important things you can do for yourself. It’s not only just about looking good or feeling good, it’s about feeling your best life. When your start maintaining your health, you will feel more increase in energy and better mental clarity, moreover, you feel an overall sense of well-being.

But let’s face it!! It’s quite challenging to even think about making healthy choices when we’re surrounded by fast foods, sugary snacks, and the tempting ads which make us buy. That’s all more of a reason to approach your health as a journey and NOT as a destination.

Maintaining your health can be done in many ways. According to me, One of the easy but also hard ways at the same time is, just to STOP seeing ads of any form. I know it’s not possible, don’t curse me ;) but we can reduce seeing it.

Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

The SECOND one is to make changes in your choice of consuming food. There’s a saying called “Food is medicine and medicine is food”, if you got aware of what we intake most of your problems related are solved. We don’t have to make the changes in a day but we can do it day by day. That’s a reason, to approach health as a journey, not as a destination.

Other known ways to maintain our health is by exercising regularly which can be of one’s own interest like going to the gym, yoga, Zumba, etc.., But whatever we do, the key to achieving is only by consistency.

Finally, don’t be too hard on yourself. Sometimes slipups can happen so it’s important to forgive yourself and not to give up. Sometimes if you feel like you wanna eat some junk foods just go all the way once a month or two, then you’ll feel bad for yourself and you’ll be back on track 😜 JK. Always remember that every step you take towards a healthier you is a step in the right direction.

2. Be Creative:

Creativity is one of the important traits which we all have, we just have to tap it! It helps us to solve modern problems, nowadays people call it “thinking out of box or innovation”.
Creativity helps us to express ourselves in a better way such as through art, music, writing, etc., As an individual, it helps us to approach problems uniquely and to see things from a better perspective. Every modern technology’s seed is the creative thinking of someone in the earlier days. So, always be creative who knows it can be one of the future’s greatest inventions!

But let’s face the truth, sometimes it’s difficult to tap into our creativity, or even worse, sometimes we don’t know how to be creative also! That’s why it’s important to cultivate it as a skill, just like others. One way to do this is by reading books that interest us, exposing ourselves to new experiences, and surrounding ourselves with people who inspire us.

Finally, remember creativity isn’t just only for writers or artists, it’s a skill owned by everyone.


Photo by Christine Roy on Unsplash

Income refers to the money or the earnings earned by an individual or organization that receives from various sources such as investments, business activities, or employment. Money is one of the main factors which rules the world nowadays. For most people, money can grant a person their financial freedom or even one step further i.e. location freedom [We’ll discuss this more in our upcoming posts]. For the other very few people, their sense of achieving freedom is different and it’s not tied up with money because of their mindset.

Nowadays there are many different types of sources one can earn money from and it’s become easy too with the uprising of AI if we use it correctly instead of hesitating it. Remember, one doesn’t have to be super smart to earn money. A smart person is just a person who’s having more common sense than others.

If we develop a mindset of likeness in the above two areas i.e. maintaining our health and improving our creativity and if we manage to earn money from any one out of two then it’s one of the great ways to earn. When we do things that we like it’s called Passion and if we manage to convert our passion into money [which many people are struggling with nowadays] then one doesn’t have to follow the money, money will follow us. But, one of the most important thing while following our passion is to make sure that we aren’t burnt out in the process.

Above are the three ways where we can lead a balanced and fulfilling life when we follow them wholeheartedly. There are other ways too than the above but these are the three primary ways.

This is my first post in medium, so happy to hear your thoughts, feedbacks as comments. 😀

