Cosmos Validators Brief #7: Dokia Capital

Jesse Livermore
2 min readFeb 23, 2019


Dokia Capital

This Brief covers the Validator who seemingly never sleeps.

Aurel Iancu, or “Aurel” as he is known in the Cosmos Riot chat rooms, has been a Validator among multiple Cosmos testnets from as far back as I can recall. He is CTO of Dokia Capital, a blockchain funding and operating organization in Romania. And I’m serious the guy doesn’t sleep. Always available... Always aware… Always watching... Think I’m joking? Check out their website

Similar to hyung of BHarvest, Aurel did well in the unofficial Game of Stakes results via Castlenode.

In this Brief, Aurel discusses how he got started as an Ethereum miner back in the day and how one of his biggest worries with Cosmos are the potential ill-gotten “dirty Atoms” which might get delegated to Validators without their permission.

Tell me a bit about yourselves — as much/ little as you would like to share.

We are a group of like-minded people, a mix of tech and business oriented individuals who believe that blockchain technology is here to stay.

Outside of Cosmos/Tendermint, how have you been involved with blockchain so far? What projects have you participated in? What projects do you find particularly intriguing?

We got involved into ethereum pretty early. We’re also huge supporters of Digix.

How did you get into blockchain space initially and what keeps you interested?

In 2014 we started building a mining facility for ethereum. We had like 1500 GPUs and right now we’re migrating to PoS.

Where do you see the blockchain space evolving in the next 1–3 years?

It’s hard to say. One thing is for sure, once we achieve scalability and high throughput, mass adoption will occur and the level of tokenisation of assets or even skills, will be sky high. It would be awesome to see bartering reinstalled into human society.

With regards to Cosmos, what do you think will be the biggest challenges faced by the project overall?

I guess it won’t be an easy task to gather resources (developers, researchers, enterprise-level validators) that can speed up innovation and boost interchain deployment and adoption.

With regards to being a validator in Cosmos, what do you think will be the biggest challenges you will face?

Our focus is to provide a strong backbone of the Cosmos HUB. Liveness and double signing seem to be the biggest concerns right now.
Also, one other concern is related to delegator whitelisting. We are worried about individuals that can get their hands on ATOMs in illegal ways and then delegating those “dirty atoms” to us.

For more information on Dokia Capital check out their website at:
You can also find them on Twitter at:
Aurel is also on Twitter at:



Jesse Livermore

Long-time investor and manager of Other Peoples Money and worked as a pirate of Wall Street for too long. Found Crypto long time ago. Passionate about it.