Happy Intentional Serendipity Women’s Day :)

Jessica Francisca Colaço
5 min readMar 8, 2018


When I left iHub in Aug 2015, I went on a journey of self-discovery. “Who am I?” was the question that was continuously on my mind. I reminisced on the last 10 years of my life in the tech ecosystem. One thing stood out for me: I have had several serendipitous encounters with so many people at University of Nairobi, Strathmore University, iHub, TED, etc…

Later that year, I stumbled upon the concept of Intentional Serendipity from a TEDx Talk by Corey Ford. I embraced this paradigm fully and I believe that the connections that you make during your life time have an intent in the near future and in the long term.

Image Credit — Ibanga Umanah (Brave)

All we have to do is be mindful of the people around us and what our purpose is! My purpose was clear towards the end of 2015. However, this required me to step out of my comfort zone and embark on a journey of self-discovery - I went to San Francisco for the first time in August 2015 and met Ibanga Umanah, my current co-founder at Brave. We both aligned on values, which was really important for me: and our common ethos was to - “Unleash the best in people” which forms the basis under which Brave was born. He was also inspired by Wangari Maathai for all her work in Kenya. Hence the name:

Logo design — Oliver Makonjio

To all the women out there, I encourage you to never stop believing in your dream and potential. The true meaning of impossible - I’m POSSIBLE! (Credits - Wabs from Nexus CoWork)

I hereby want to celebrate the most important women in my life. These women have helped shape me throughout my journey:

My mum - Mildred Colaco. You are a woman of substance! An incredibly creative person with a big heart. You are my ROCK!

My best friend - Karen Muriuki. You have supported me in my music journey and have always been there when I needed help. You are such an amazing being and a music prodigy.

My role model- Dr. Kate Getao. You encouraged me to ask “why?” in life and led me down my path to Computer Science at University of Nairobi. Dr. Getao is a true computer scientist but keeps a low radar. I celebrate you!

Dr. Kate Getao

My former and founding team at iHub Research - Angela Okune, Shikoh Gitau, Leo Mutuku, Hilda Moraa and Anne Salim. You believed in my vision for iHub Research and helped build it out as a team. You showed me the true essence of a POWER team!

Left to Right : Angela Okune, Linda Kamau, Me, Hilda Moraa (holding the glass), Judy Owigar and Leo Mutuku

My friends - Susan Oguya Kutalek, Lillian Nduati, Angela Lungati, Diana Kilel, Gladys Kitony and the Milele Group. You supported me during the Mobile Boot Camp Days in 2008, 2009 and showed me how to have fun!

Left to Right: Susan, Diana and I and part of the Milele Group
Left to Right: Lilian, Me, Joshua, Angela

Viola Karuri. You supported my music journey in 2009 and 2010 and invited me to be the main bass player for your band.

Elizabeth Ondula. You taught me never to give up, and how hard work and patience pays off!

Elizabeth in the pink sweater next to me!

Wangechi Mwangi. You taught me to always keep learning and growing, and that your age doesn’t matter!

Daniele Orner-Ginor. You have supported me as a co-founder at Brave. I love your Belgium-Israeli accent when we have Skype calls and your bubbly nature!

Left to Right: Daniele, Me, Dr. Vivienne Ming

Kathleen Siminyu. You literally embrace the concept of impossible = I’m POSSIBLE! You are hard-core since I met your at the Brave Academy Workshop. Your zeal to learn is admirable!

Heather Lagarde. You have taught me (by example) to embrace life and enjoy both my hobbies and work at the same time.

Malaika Judd. By your example, you have taught me to believe in my dreams and follow my passion no matter what!

Malaika to the left in glasses

Dr. Mary Okelo. Meeting you 2 years ago thanks to Teddy Warria has been so refreshing. You are SO humble despite all that you have achieved. You have taught me in life to never forget my beginnings and my true values. We need more business leaders like yourself!

Dr. Mary Okelo

RISH. You are such a talented being! Thank your for inviting me to be part of your band this year as your bassist!

RISH in action!

Ladies this song celebrates you all : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_3yoOU3-eQ




Jessica Francisca Colaço

Entrepreneur, Bassist & Speaker. Part of the founding team at iHub. Building Brave with Ibanga Umanah & Daniele Ginor to redefine hiring in emerging markets.