People Who Don’t Deserve Your Time

Don’t waste a minute more on them than you already have to.

Jessica Wildfire


Nobody has time for anger. And yet, certain personality types just trigger the hell out of you. So what can you do?

Me personally, I can’t stand arrogance and rudeness. But also laziness. And willful ignorance. And whining. And obliviousness.

Otherwise, I’m pretty chill. No, seriously.

The maddest I got this year? One of my colleagues decided to shame us at a meeting for not supporting the department bake sale. The chair of the bake sale task force read our names off a list and gave us that look. You know, the smug “get your shit together like me” look. The level of importance she placed on a bake sale raised my body temperature an entire degree.

Instead of throttling her, I’m writing about how she’s not worth my time. The world overflows with these people. The ones built to get under your skin. The ones happy to waste a day bickering over trivia. The ones who will never change. Learn to spot them quickly, and you’ll do yourself a huge favor by getting way ahead of them.

People Who Trivialize Your Experience.

They always know more than everyone else. They’ve lived through everything. And their sob story trumps…

