The truth about erectile dysfunction

Jessica Wildfire
Published in
6 min readFeb 15, 2018


Source: 4 pm Production

You’re kissing, touching. His caresses tell you how badly he wants you. Every part of him says he’s ready. Every part except one. Mr. Happy won’t cooperate. You both keep trying, but nothing happens.

Nothing except an apology.

Imagine a love scene going perfectly. Then someone farts. The director yells, “Cut!” And you have to take a break and start over. Mr. Happy can act a lot like a finicky, demanding director.

Embarrassment follows, then shame. You wonder if there’s something wrong with you, or him, or both.

Millions of us have been there. Erectile dysfunction sucks. Despite what you hear, lots of men can’t afford Viagra. Their insurance plans don’t cover it. Under state healthcare, it’s easier for me to get birth control than it is for my spouse to buy an affordable ED drug.

Lots of employers classify ED treatment as “recreational.” As if my spouse were some 20-something dragging home a different girl every night. To the state, having sex with your wife is just a bonus. Not essential.

So we started budgeting for Viagra.

About two hundred bucks a month.

Unless we wanted to go bankrupt, or file for divorce, we had to find other ways to love each other. We delved into the problem together and learned a…

