It’s OK To Just Ask If They Like You

We need to stop searching for “signs”.

Jessica A
3 min readDec 3, 2019
Tarot cards and crystals. Photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash.

As a teenager, I turned to tarot to decipher whether someone liked me. It involved Sandalwood incense, enough candles to set the house alight and frequent interruptions from my bemused mother.

She wasn’t alone in finding my soul searching pointless; nearly everyone thought it was silly. And yet, most people are preoccupied with looking for signs, just in a more sociably acceptable way.

They’re trying to read body language; they’re trying to decode text messages; they’re trying to decipher meaning from actions.

This is perhaps why there are numerous articles floating in the void titled some variant of “10 Signs They’re Attracted To You”. They say things like “Their feet point towards you”, “They text you back quickly”, “They use your name in conversation”.



That’s the barometer of attraction we’re working with? I bloody hope anyone you talk to uses your name.

But I’m not going to delve into the spuriousness of some of these “signs” here; instead, I’d like to focus on the alternative—just asking.

The first problem with searching for signs instead of asking outright is to do with personality. I’d like to…



Jessica A

Pen for hire | snack aficionado | recovering night owl. Come say hi at the other places I hang out