Janet Willemien MulliganOftentimes we feel we are victimized by our circumstances; that our lot in life has us trapped…Time owns itself, and our perception barrows from it a very unique story that we use to comprise the narrative for our life as an ongoing…Aug 3, 2020Aug 3, 2020
Janet Willemien MulliganIt’s not rock bottom that you’re hitting when your actions reveal those dire changes you’ve always…Aug 1, 2020Aug 1, 2020
Janet Willemien MulliganThe Spiraling StaircaseWith spiritedness, though, still wet eyesFeb 28, 2020Feb 28, 2020
Janet Willemien MulliganThank you to the courageous ones walking in their true light.Feb 24, 2017Feb 24, 2017
Janet Willemien MulliganYes, I am angry. But only at myselfThe world owes me nothingFeb 12, 2017Feb 12, 2017
Janet Willemien MulliganMy heart and soul cannot carry the weight of the painful perceptions.Jul 18, 2016Jul 18, 2016