Irony of the Trump Supporter

Joseph Henderson
2 min readNov 10, 2016


The people most likely to suffer the most are the very people who went out and voted for him. If you’re sitting around and waiting for a 70 year old illiterate cheeto dust covered clown to bring back manufacturing jobs, you’re going to starve. They didn’t go overseas, they went to machines.

The problem isn’t with immigrants taking good jobs, hell they don’t even speak English! The problem is automation and artificial intelligence has rendered millions of uneducated people obsolete. There is no bringing back jobs that machines and automation can do. Do you guys not get that?

The people who voted for Donald Trump who wanted better jobs were so busy buying his act to realize their savior was the woman they were begging to lock up. You don’t need a bully with bad hair. You need cheaper and more accessible education. If you want more jobs, new jobs, better paying jobs you must have the capabilities to do them. You do that with continued education, community colleges and trade schools.

It’s amazing to me that Donald Trump was able to tell them who they are and why he loved them and they were too dumb to get it. He said “I love the uneducated people!” Yes, yes he does. Because they are not smart enough to realize he cannot help them.

Trade deals didn’t kill your jobs. NATO didn’t kill your job. Your lack of education and intelligence killed your job. Fun fact, you are no longer vital to society or the workforce and are essentially as valuable to society economically as the homeless. That’s just hard truth.

Sure, go blame the minorities, and talk tough about jobs. You guys are in more a rude awakening and the best part is, you idiots sealed your own fate. You have a Republican House with a Republican Senate with a batshit crazy President. When you idiots are starving with record low unemployment numbers there is only 1 person to blame. It’s not Donald Trump. He has always been a con man. The person you will need to blame is the idiot in the mirror.

You, the Donald Trump supporter just slit your own throat and will slowly bleed out and in 4 years will be begging Democrats to save you — again. Until then, can someone show me the proper Nazi salute because I am pretty sure Drumpf is going to make that a thing again pretty soon.

