Elevate Your 3D Art with ChatGPT: Creating Custom Plugs for Blender

5 min readMay 26, 2023


Are you passionate about 3D art and seeking ways to level up your skills in Blender? Look no further! Here, I’ll introduce you how ChatGPT can help you create custom plugins, or “plugs” as we like to call them, for Blender. Whether you’re a newcomer or a veteran Blender user, this guide will provide valuable insights and examples to enhance your workflow and take your art to new heights.

How to Use ChatGPT to Create Plugins for Blender: ChatGPT is a powerful AI tool that can be used to create a variety of content, including plugins for Blender. Plugins are scripts that extend the functionality of Blender, and they can be used to do things like add new features, automate tasks, or improve performance.

Creating a plugin with ChatGPT is relatively easy. First, you need to come up with an idea for what your plugin will do. Once you have an idea, you can use ChatGPT to generate the code for your plugin. ChatGPT is very good at generating code that is both functional and easy to read.

Once you have generated the code for your plugin, you need to save it in a file with the .py extension. Then, you need to add the file to Blender’s addons directory. To do this, open the Blender preferences window and navigate to the Addons tab. Click the “Install from File” button and select the file that you saved your plugin code in.

Once you have installed your plugin, you can enable it by clicking the “Enable” checkbox next to its name in the Addons tab. Once your plugin is enabled, you can use it in Blender.

Example: Creating a Simple Plugin Let’s explore a simple example of how ChatGPT can help you create a plugin for Blender. Suppose you want to add a button to the Toolshelf that adds a new object to the scene. With ChatGPT, you can generate the code for this plugin effortlessly.

This plugin adds a new button to the Toolshelf that will add a new object to the scene. To use the plugin, open Blender and create a new file. Then, go to the Toolshelf and click on the button that you added. A new object will be added to the scene.

Advantages of Using ChatGPT for Plugin Development:

  1. Streamline Repetitive Tasks: Creating custom plugins with ChatGPT allows you to automate repetitive tasks, saving you valuable time and effort. From adjusting camera angles to generating complex terrains, ChatGPT can guide you in creating plugins that simplify these processes and let you focus on your artistic vision.
  2. Expand Blender’s Capabilities: Blender is a powerful tool, but with custom plugins, you can unlock new creative possibilities. Whether you want to add unique visual effects or extend Blender’s functionality, ChatGPT can assist you in developing plugins that seamlessly integrate with your workflow.
  3. Simplify Complex Workflows: As a newcomer or a non-programmer, you might find complex workflows daunting. ChatGPT comes to the rescue by simplifying intricate processes through easy-to-understand analogies. You’ll be able to grasp the necessary steps to create your custom plugins, empowering you to create stunning art without getting lost in technical details.

Counterarguments and Realistic Expectations:

While custom plugins offer immense value, it’s important to keep realistic expectations. Developing more complex plugins may require additional learning and experimentation. Some effects or operations may be resource-intensive and impact rendering times. However, the advantages of automating tasks and expanding Blender’s capabilities far

outweigh these challenges, especially when you have the support of ChatGPT to simplify the process and offer guidance along the way.

Examples of Custom Plugs:

  1. Auto-Generate Terrain: Creating realistic landscapes is essential in 3D art. With a custom plug, you can automate the process of generating intricate terrains based on specific parameters such as altitude, slope, and erosion. ChatGPT can help you craft a plug that brings your virtual landscapes to life effortlessly.
  2. Dynamic Lighting: Lighting plays a vital role in setting the mood of your scenes. By developing a custom plug, you can simulate dynamic lighting effects like a flickering candle or a passing thunderstorm. ChatGPT will guide you through the steps, allowing you to achieve stunning visual effects without extensive coding knowledge.
  3. Material Generator: Creating materials that bring your objects to life can be a time-consuming task. ChatGPT can assist you in developing a custom plug that generates materials based on specific textures, patterns, or parameters. Imagine being able to create complex, realistic materials with just a few clicks.

Realistic Implementation Tips for Newcomers and Non-programmers:

  1. Start with a Simple Idea: When diving into plugin development, begin with a straightforward idea that aligns with your artistic goals. This will help you grasp the core concepts and build a foundation for more complex plugins in the future.
  2. Utilize ChatGPT for Code Generation: Leverage the power of ChatGPT to generate functional and readable code for your plugin. ChatGPT’s assistance ensures that you don’t need extensive coding knowledge to create effective plugins.
  3. Understand and Test the Code: Take the time to understand the generated code and how it relates to your plugin’s functionality. Testing your plugin thoroughly ensures that it works as intended before sharing it with others.
  4. Share and Collaborate: Once you’ve created your custom plugin, don’t hesitate to share it with the Blender community. Collaboration and feedback from other artists can help refine your plugin and open up new avenues for improvement.


By harnessing the power of ChatGPT, you can enhance your 3D art in Blender by creating custom plugins that automate tasks, extend Blender’s capabilities, and simplify complex workflows. Whether you’re a newcomer or a seasoned Blender user, ChatGPT serves as your knowledgeable companion, providing guidance and code generation assistance.

Follow me on LinkedIn for more engaging content, tutorials, and updates on plugin development in Blender. Together, we’ll explore the vast potential of ChatGPT and empower artists to push the boundaries of creativity. Let’s unlock new realms of possibility and create breathtaking 3D art in Blender. Get ready to elevate your artistry with ChatGPT by your side!




2D & 3D Artist. Content creator and Web 3 writer. Creator of the Publication “The Gu1de”. A member of the African NFT Community, Water & Music & Protien DAOs.