Example for Epic, User Story, Task and Bug

Jia Le Yeoh
3 min readSep 24, 2021

Give an example for Epic, User Story, Task and Bug


  • An epic is a work that encompasses a significant amount of work. It’s simply a big user story that may be divided into several smaller ones. An epic may require numerous sprints to accomplish.
  • Large and coarse-grained
  • Overarching themes and objectives
  • PTL is the creator of Epic.
  • In Gerrit Commit to a Jira Issue ID, Epic is never used as a reference. (since Epic is a large project that can’t be completed in a single commit)
  • It’s possible that implementing an Epic will require several Sprints.

Example of Epics in the initiative:

Let’s imagine your rocket ship corporation aims to reduce the cost per launch this year by 5%. That’s a wonderful fit for a campaign, because no one epic is likely to reach such a lofty aim. Epics like “decrease launch-phase fuel consumption by 1%,” “increase launches per quarter from 3 to 4,” and “turn all thermostats down from 71 to 69 degrees” would be part of that campaign.

User Story:

Within Epics, user stories are new functional requirements that have a direct impact on a real user benefit and are presented in a way that prioritizes the user and the value offered to them over implementation specifics. A user story is a common technique to define users, functionality, and benefit in a single sentence. We are simply writing the functionality part of the tale in the title of the Jira issue for the purpose of brevity. Sprints are used to define and develop user stories.

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Tasks are broken down sections of a story that describe how the story will be finished. If needed, tasks can be estimated by the hour. Tasks are typically defined by the people who execute the job (developers, QA, etc. ), whereas tales and epics are typically developed by the customer or on behalf of the customer by the product owner. As a result, business users are no longer required to comprehend the tasks, and they might be extremely technical. Breaking down a story into tasks also aids the development team in understanding what has to be done.

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All product failures are tracked using bug problems. They may have a severity connected with them, or they may identify the component they affect: Jira allows you to customize fields for each issue category, allowing you to include as much or as little metadata as you want. As a general rule, no bug should be posted to the backlog without a description, and sending an image or video can be quite beneficial.

