How AI-Generated College Essays Give Students an Edge in the Admissions Process

Can you use Artificial Intelligence to write personal essays for college and scholarship applications?

Jim the AI Whisperer
9 min readNov 7, 2022

In a highly competitive environment, where college admissions and scholarship applications are becoming more and more difficult to navigate, many students are turning to AI-generated essays in order to give themselves an advantage. Using next-gen content creation AI writing software, students can quickly and easily create long-form essays that will stand out from the competition. The use of artificial intelligence in essay writing is not new, but the technology has drastically improved in recent years, making it easier than ever for students to get the help they need. And because AI tools can generate multiple unique essays with little effort, students increase their chances of being accepted into their desired school or program. So if you’re feeling overwhelmed by the college admissions process, don’t worry — Jasper AI has you covered. It’ll help you write a winning essay that will set you apart from the rest. Contact me today for private training!

We all know that college admissions and scholarship applications are highly competitive. COVID delayed studying for so many students that competition this year is higher than ever. There are now fewer scholarships and seats to go around for the increased number of applicants in 2022/23.



Jim the AI Whisperer

🏆 7x Top Writer. AI Whisperer & Prompt Engineer. Writing about effective use of AI in copywriting, art, design, branding & games!