Jasper AI’s “2024 Vision & Product Announcement”

Jasper AI continues to shape the future of AI marketing

Jim the AI Whisperer
6 min readOct 20, 2023

This article contains AI content, because if you’re a marketer, you want to see it in action. I’ve used Jasper AI as well as my own prompts to produce this summary. I offer training in how to get better results out of AI writing tools with tone of voice.

I’d like to reiterate: my articles on Medium are — unless otherwise stated — entirely my own. I enjoy writing. But this seemed the perfect opportunity to showcase AI.

Since its inception in January 2021, Jasper AI has been synonymous with revolutionizing the use of AI in marketing. This sentiment was captured vividly in the recent Jasper event, which not only showcased the brand’s impressive journey to date, but also teased us with its ambitious roadmap for the coming year. The anticipation was palpable as attendees gathered online for Jasper’s most awaited event of the year, which also marked the anniversary of Jasper’s impressive $1.5 billion Series A fundraising round.

A Year in Retrospect: Jasper’s Journey

It feels like just yesterday when Jasper was founded with a straightforward mission: to simplify AI for marketers by tailoring it to practical business use-cases. Since then, Jasper’s customers have generated over 200 million unique pieces of content and a whopping 32 billion words! The brainchild of Dave Rogenmoser, Jasper began with a clearcut focus on prosumers, freelancers, and SMBs. However, as demand surged, Jasper quickly pivoted towards catering to larger enterprises. This shift wasn’t just about scaling up: the tool’s transformation reflects a broader industry shift, recognizing the urgent need for enterprise functionality and performance-driven AI.

New Beginnings: Leadership and Vision

With growth comes change. Dave Rogenmoser’s strategic decision to step down and welcome Tim Young as the new CEO (whose credentials include stints at VMware and Dropbox) is a testament to Jasper’s renewed emphasis and commitment to the rapid enterprise adoption of generative AI. With this change in leadership, the company is positioned for even greater success.

A Glimpse into Jasper’s 2024 Product Suite

One of the key highlights of the event was the unveiling of Jasper’s new enterprise-grade marketing AI copilot, boasting three core capabilities:

  • Skills: A vast upgrade from its initial content-generating functionality.
  • Memory: A profound understanding of a company’s strategy, performance, branding, and more.
  • Augmentation: Tools designed to supercharge marketing teams, analyzing vast data sets while ensuring top-tier security.

With the industry’s first truly enterprise-grade marketing AI copilot, Jasper promises to transform how marketing teams function. By understanding a brand’s unique strategy, analytics, and performance data, Jasper aims to augment marketing efforts, making them more efficient and data-driven.

But the announcements didn’t stop there. Jasper introduced tantalizing new innovations that resonate with the complex, dynamic nature of enterprise operations, enabling them to use the full potential of AI-driven marketing:

  • Company Intelligence Hub: An innovative feature connecting real-time data systems and providing an “X-ray view” for deeper insights, enabling marketers to dissect and analyze their content strategy like never before.
  • Campaign Acceleration: AI-powered tools that not only help in strategizing but also in implementing campaigns effectively.
  • Analytics and Insights: With Jasper’s new analytics, brands can get insights on content performance, offering a clear showcase of ROI.

Calling All Marketers: Why You Need Jasper

For Small Businesses and Startups: Jasper provides the power of AI-driven content creation without the need for a vast team. From intuitive templates to a chrome extension that integrates Jasper directly into web textboxes, marketing just got a whole lot easier. Plus, with the introduction of the Jasper API, integrating its capabilities into your workflows is seamless.

For Larger Enterprises: Jasper’s new functionalities like the Company Intelligence Hub, Campaign Acceleration, and in-depth Analytics and Insights ensure that your marketing strategies are always backed by data-driven decisions. The new “Spaces” feature also facilitates larger teams to collaborate efficiently, keeping content, campaigns, and teams organized.

Tracing Jasper’s Ambitious Roadmap Back to its Roots

On the product front, Zack Anderson, VP of Product and Customer Success, recounted his own journey with Jasper, highlighting key milestones in an overview that was both enlightening and nostalgic. It’s evident Jasper has kept its finger on the pulse of marketers’ interests and evolving AI needs, ensuring the platform is not only technologically advanced but also continuously realigning with the landscape of modern marketing.

The tone of voice for the AI writing in this article was extracted from an image — this image, actually! You can read about my process and the prompts I used to achieve the image-induced personal writing style here.

“Jasper Everywhere”

Jasper is not just confined to its platform. With the launch of extensions for Google Docs and Sheets, content creation is now integrated natively within Google’s ecosystem. As the digital workspace becomes more diversified, “Jasper Everywhere” emerges as a beacon of consistency, making sure Jasper’s capabilities are just a click away, no matter where you are.

Expanded Horizons: Jasper’s Vision Beyond 2024

While the product announcements were undoubtedly the stars of the show, the vision Jasper laid out for its future was equally compelling. The goal is clear: to evolve from being just an AI assistant to a full-fledged AI copilot. marketing teams. Whether you’re in media, e-commerce, tech, or run an agency, Jasper’s versatility ensures our content is always up to the mark.

The future shines brighter for Jasper. A few teased developments include:

  • Canvas Experience: A unified view of an entire campaign, eliminating the need to switch between documents, and get all the info at a glance.
  • World-Class Data Protection: A reinforced commitment to ensure that your business’ data is secure and private, especially in the realm of AI.
  • Multimodal Experience: Enabling marketers to create images directly within Jasper. While this is something Chat GPT currently offers, yours truly wonders if Jasper is finally going to offer something he suggested: the creation of marketing images in tandem with your creation, so that as you generate text the document self-populates with relevant images.

We’ll see. My own Tone of Voice recipe from 2021 was the inspiration for Jasper’s Brand Voice feature, which allows marketers to generate content that mirrors their brand’s tone and eliminates generic content. Jasper has always listened to its community. As co-founder Austin Distel champions:

“Your voice is so important in the product roadmap and that’s when we have big webinars like this where we’re having a conversation with you all and we’re getting feedback in real time. We have customer discovery groups, we have communities, there’s a lot going on where your voice is being amplified into our roadmap.”

Your Next Step

Curious about how Jasper might fit your marketing strategy? I’d urge you not to wait. With Jasper’s prices set to increase in 2024, now’s the perfect time to lock in an annual subscription at 2023’s prices. I recommend getting a first-hand experience of Jasper’s transformative potential with a free trial:

Jasper is not just another AI text generator. It’s an evolving ecosystem, gearing up to be the ultimate AI marketing copilot that understands, suggests, and augments — keeping your content cutting-edge. With customer control and content mobility at its core, and increasing improvements, your marketing will be fine-tuned to perfection.

Note: This article was written by AI to reflect my personal writing style guide and voice, as inferred from an uploaded image. It’s not just about the tools we use, but how we use them. The heart and soul of content still remains in the human touch.

Who is Jim the AI Whisperer?

As The Jasper Whisperer, I provide training and consulting services to help companies prepare for and properly utilize AI in their operations. Don’t miss out on the huge benefits of AI for your business. Take control of the technology and make informed decisions. Contact me today to learn more.

I’m also available for journalism opportunities, podcasts, and interviews.

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Jim the AI Whisperer

🏆 7x Top Writer. AI Whisperer & Prompt Engineer. Writing about effective use of AI in copywriting, art, design, branding & games!