1.3 The Root of Evil, is Me.

Rishad Mehta
3 min readApr 19, 2017


This is the third and final part of a three part series exploring the nature of consciousness and reality. Please read part 1 and 2 before continuing further.

Part 1: The Highest Technology

Part 2: The Bubble of Being

In the first part of this trilogy, we introduced the premise that what we believe ourselves to be is itself user-interface, or augmented reality. We also touched on the fact that what makes this entire VR world special is the sentience, or experience of it.

In the next section, titled ‘The Bubble of Being’, we dived into the layers that make reality, and create the illusion of a conscious being, living on a giant rock, in an infinite universe. I also stated towards the end of the article that this misconception itself is the root cause of suffering.

As long as we believe ourselves to be a selfish little entity, living in a limited world, our conditioning will naturally push us to amass resources, take from others, live life with a rigid (or lax) set of principles and ideologies, which will eventually lead to our own unhappiness. Today’s world is a direct product of this misunderstanding.

The difference between you and a spiritual master is not that the master has gained any knowledge from some holy books or sutras — The real difference is the master has unpeeled the layers of reality, and reached her true nature. The veil of the Being is lifted, and she knows herself to be that in who the world, and I, appear.

Regular non-enlightened folks on the other hand believe themselves to be an entity, existing in space and time, who has a some work or a certain agenda to fulfill. Most of these agendas are built into the firmware of our being, and activated by our so-called external circumstances.

For example, the need for survival is hard-wired into our egoic conditioning. When this is further exasperated by growing up in difficult circumstances, or with the constant battle for resources, the hard-wiring for survival gets exaggerated, and morphs into an adult who is obsessed with the gathering and hoarding resources, fearing that someday he may again be subject to difficult circumstances.

This abstraction in consciousness, or falling from grace, is the reason the world is in the pathetic state that it is in. The being is, by programming, automatically attracted to amassing more and more, building more and more, and conquering more and more, all in order to feel safe. But the irony of this abstraction is that the ‘core hurt’, which in this case is a sense of lack of resources, takes over the entire being and leads to a deep unhappiness and lack of fulfillment. It takes away one’s humanity.

Being without resources is one such abstraction, there are others such as a sense of being unloved, a sense of being bad or unappreciated, a sense of powerlessness (Maybe the most dangerous), or a sense of being vulnerable or defenseless. These manipulations of the ego concept eventually cause the so called organism to rebel against its own true nature — Our nature which encompasses all of creation, and is never, and has never been, separate from anything!

Wars and poverty are at a base level caused by a misunderstanding of who we are, and what our true goals are as consciousness. Why? Because we are only fighting ourselves.

In the next series we will discuss how a human being, or consciousness, can reorient its own thinking, and come to a place of deep peace and understanding.

Thanks for listening, you giant mass of conditioning.

