Best of Cosmos:

My top ten Star Craft II players

Tom “Jinx” Rasmussen
4 min readMay 31, 2014


Star Craft II has been a huge part of my daily gaming time. Not always playing but watching the professionals duke it out. Over the last 4 years we have seen many come and go. But some stick out more than others. These are my top ten players. Not only based on results but their story and personality too.

10. Grubby aka Manuel Schenkhuizen
What can you say about Grubby? Well, he is a brilliant Warcraft III player but that is not why he is on this list. Grubby broke out of his team EG to stand on his own feet. With the support of his wife, Cassandra Ng he is still fighting for his first major SC II title.

9. Impact aka Kim Joon Hyuk
A young aspiring player with the stuff to reach the stars. Most notably, his all kill again Team Liquid in the Acer TeamStory Cup II and the 2nd place in Dreamhack this spring. Look out for this youngster!

8. Scarlett aka Sasha Hostyn
She is one of the best foreign players in the world and she is a girl. Her play style is versatile and very entertaining. Still young, she can still get that first major title. Well, unless you think being the American champion in 2012 is a small title.

7. Snute aka Jens Aasgaard
Hailing from my own country, its been a joy to follow him from that first HomeStory Cup victory to where he is today. He really loves Take’s tournaments, of which he has bagged 3 in total.

6. Polt aka Choi Seong Hun
Fifth to complete a triple crown. All Round good guy. Named Captain America for winning back to back WCS America titles. Polt is fearless and dominates his opponents.

5. TLO aka Dario Wünsch
TLO are a monster when it comes to his training regime. On his blog he explains in detail how his new training regime has helped him improve and I can not wait for the day he gets his first major title.

4. MVP aka Jung Jong Hyun
You can't have a top ten list without MVP. A player with more titles then anyone. An impressive 4 GSL, A Blizzcon championship, a MLG title, A IEM title, won WCG and WCS in Europe. Most valuable player, damn right he is!

3. MC aka Jang Min Chul
The bosstoss himself. He funny guy who always takes it a step longer to entertain the fans. Not to forget he is a monster in the game. GSL, IEM, WCS, HomeStory Cup and a Dreamhack champion. Triple Crown and one of the highest earners in Star Craft II history.

2. TaeJa aka Yun Young Seo
This quiet, clam, handsome nerd has conquered countless titles. 3 Dreamhack titles, 2 Asus Rog and HomeStory Cup titles. He is not only skilled but a very kind and positive person in the scene. And still, only 19 year of age.

Before I reveal my number one, I would like to do some honorable mentions. Because in a sport where there are some many great players, talking about the top ten, isn’t fair.

NesTea — A GSL god and for a long time considered to be the best zerg player in the world. Still competing at the age of 31. Amazing.

Parting — A dominating force to be reckon with. Winner of Blizzcon, WCG and Red Bull Battlegrounds Champion. Truly a great player

Flash — a Brood War legend who still has what it takes to turn heads in the community. Nobody would argue that he is over just yet. Soon to be Champion again.

Life — What is there to say about the first royal roader, two triple crown holder and he is just 17. Life dominates with lings and smart tactics. Which has earned him oh so many titles over the years.

iNcontroL — When it comes to results, Geoff haven't made a huge impact on the scene today. But when it comes to giving the scene a voice and the fans entertainment, I can think of no one better. iNcontroL have slowly switched to casting and hosting for Dreamhack, Lone Star Clash and others.

HerO — I still remember his first major victory at Dreamhack Winter 2011. It was a epic emotional moment in E-sport history and the images from that day will always be remembered. Well decorated player.

And now for the number ONE slot;

Jaedong aka Lee Jae Dong
There is no doubt in my mind. My favorite player is Jaedong. He plays my race, he dominates and his story through out 2013 was the best in the game. Forever number 2? Maybe. But the real emotions and being so consistent, takes a certain amount of skill. He also passed 500 000 $ in player winning and is considered the best payed gamer today. Still within the age to compete and win tournaments, he won’t stop until he can’t play on a top level anymore. Truly a icon of the sport.

This is my list, what is yours. Feel free to tweet @jinxgeek with your top ten list.



Tom “Jinx” Rasmussen

Diver. Geek. Hobby Chef. Traveller. Drinker. Koh Tao’an. Laugher.