AI and Remote Work: What You Need to Know

Joanna Riley
4 min readMar 12, 2020


Since artificial intelligence (AI) continues to evolve, it is easy to compare it to times of other major technological advancements, such as the Industrial Revolution. Artificial intelligence was created to learn the patterns of how humans complete routine tasks and to learn to duplicate them with precision and speed. Critics of AI continue to assert that this technology will phase out the workforce, which is only partially true for a select number of jobs that encompass repetitive tasks. For other types of work, AI serves to enhance how humans work, and its impact is expected to be enormous when it comes the ever-changing landscape of the workplace.

Remote positions are quickly becoming more commonplace as organizations strive to streamline operations and improve company culture through a healthy work-life balance. Here, we’ll explore some of the ways that AI will augment everything we already know and love about remote work.

More Remote AI Opportunities Ahead

Although AI can replace many entry-level, task-heavy jobs, AI and machine learning (ML) technology can create new opportunities, as well. As more companies and individuals begin to understand the power of AI, it is anticipated that more AI-related positions will be created. Many of today’s tech industry employees work remotely, and AI positions are not expected to be any different. According to a 2016 Gallup study, IT and other technology fields rank second among all industries that support remote work, and at least 60 percent of IT personnel work from home. Technology breaks barriers in terms of location and time, and it allows companies to recruit and hire top talent regardless of their location.

The growing field of AI will likely also lead to a workforce that is interested in learning about technology that can put them on a new career trajectory. Since entry-level jobs are most at risk amid the rise in AI, employees seeking a career change and/or greater compensation may be more inclined to embrace the technology and view it as an investment in their future.

People who already work with AI technology are well aware of its potential, and opportunities to educate others are also expected to grow. Other common AI positions include AI software engineers, computer vision engineers, and data scientists. Those looking to upgrade their skills in order to keep pace with the AI shift should seek out opportunities with companies that mention them in their job descriptions.


Preparing for the AI Shift

While there is no way to know how AI will change things in the future as it continues to evolve, overall it will benefit the way that organizations function and offer the promise of greater opportunities.

Even jobs that have traditionally always been undertaken by humans are being touched by AI. Companies continue to explore how AI can simplify processes and help humans to perform better. For example, autonomous trucks are expected to eventually fill the need for more truck drivers on the road. Known for being a stressful line of work, particularly for those who have families, truck driving pays well but leaves little room for a good quality of life. Companies like Amazon are experimenting with autonomous deliveries, and while this will not work for every company, it will allow some of them to develop a workforce that balances humans with AI technology to provide employees with a much-needed work-life balance.

AI: The Best Is Yet to Come

The good thing is that AI is still relatively new. While some people are naturally skeptical of this technology, they shouldn’t worry too much about what can go wrong because there is still plenty of room for improvement. AI and ML are continuously improving, so it will be a long time before robots will be able to replace jobs that are better suited for humans or that cannot be undertaken from a remote location, such as law enforcement professionals, special education teachers, and physicians.

While adjusting to new technology is a gradual process, it is possible once the opportunities are revealed. As the world becomes our workplace, remote jobs assisted by AI will likely become more commonplace. Organizations that are on the cutting edge of this technology will experience the greatest benefit. Keeping up with AI news and advancements can provide better learning and growth opportunities in your career no matter what field you are in. The reality is that the more advancements that there are in AI, the more jobs that will be created, and the greater the likelihood that there will be an expansion in both remote and on-site employment opportunities. As long as the people in this field continue to maintain control while developing new ideas, AI can change how the world is run.



Joanna Riley

Joanna Riley, a technology sector entrepreneur, investor, and mentor based in San Francisco, co-founded Censia in 2017.