Why I am feeling “bored” of my friends

João Casimiro
2 min readJul 13, 2018


Have you ever felt like you are getting bored of your group of friends? Like you “outgrown” them at some extend? That moment where you feel like you can´t connect with them like you used to?

I don´t mean bored like i don´t like them anymore, i love to spend time with them but… While we have some activity to do , everything is cool, it´s fun, the problem starts when we don´t have anything in particularly to do, when we go out just to talk and hang out.

You see, recently(a few months ago), I started to learn about finances and investing and i was immediately hooked on it. They probably find it boring. How do I know?

I started to talk about what I was learning when we met. They would listen and nod along , maybe ask a question or two but I could see that they did not really engage with what i was saying, that they don't see the world as i was painting it to them in that moment. They don´t share my panic for the “rat race”.

So i stopped. I stopped talking about it as much as I can. I still start to talk about it once in a while but I shut up quickly. They want to talk about the latest football game or what that one guy did or didn´t as opposed to me. I want to talk about ideas , about investing, about being your own boss, about escaping the rat race, and , more importantly, about how to do that. I have a vision of me playing volleyball in the middle of the week because i don't need to worry about money, about schedules, about my boss. I don´t think they see that. They dont think it´s possible, they think i am crazy.

They will probably live by the plan “study, get a degree, get a job, buy a house, have kids, retire”. I want to try stuff, i want to fail and get up, spend long hours working on something that i love, see my efforts get rewarded and “retire” early.

I feel like i am gradually moving away from them.

The question is:

How long can I last?

