My Response to President Trump’s Newest Step to Dismantle the Affordable Care Act

Joe Biden
1 min readJun 13, 2020


Today, Donald Trump took yet another step to dismantle the Affordable Care Act and strip basic health care protections from LGBTQ+ Americans and individuals who have terminated a pregnancy. This action is unconscionable — and to do so during Pride Month, on the fourth anniversary of the deadly terrorist attack at the Pulse Nightclub that claimed 49 lives, many of them members of the LGBTQ+ community, is despicable.

In the midst of a pandemic, Donald Trump is more consumed with destroying the legacy of the Obama-Biden Administration than protecting the health care of millions of Americans.

As President, I will defend the rights of all Americans to have access to quality, affordable health care, free from discrimination.



Joe Biden

Husband to Jill, proud father and grandfather. Ready to build back better for all Americans. Join our campaign: