The tale of a chronic thinker

Josiah Viergutz
1 min readNov 11, 2015


It started out simply enough. Waking up and asking myself what was for breakfast, followed by what I would do with my day. Once those two questions were out of the way, I was good to go. It didn’t take long before things got slightly more complicated. I got lost in thought in the most random places and times — places and times that weren’t always the most convenient, to say the least. It’s now at the point that I think about thinking. Overthinking has become my safe place. Sometimes I occasionally leave my safe, comfortable thought process, and almost immediately, warnings saying DANGER! DANGER! can’t be ignored, leading me to retreat back into my own head and take a deep sigh of relief and say to myself, ’aah that’s better.’



Josiah Viergutz

#Informationdesign student @mountroyal4u and technology enthusiast. #makingthecomplexsimple