StealthWriter Review: Can It Bypass All AI Detectors?

Joey Geller
8 min readApr 22, 2024


With the rise of AI-driven content tools, the temptation of quick, high-quality content is difficult to resist. Perhaps you’ve had a story lingering in the back of your mind for the past decade, but you’ve never had the opportunity to put it into words. The idea is there, but the words just won’t flow. On the other hand, you may find yourself constantly writing — mundane, repetitive content like emails and marketing materials. It’s no wonder that AI content writing is so appealing.

However, there’s a catch. The emergence of AI detectors poses a threat to expose the machine behind the words. StealthWriter is one of the tools that promises to transform AI-generated text into something so human-like that AI detectors cannot distinguish it. But does it truly deliver? That’s the question this review aims to answer.

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What Is StealthWriter?

StealthWriter aims to rewrite AI content into text that closely resembles human writing, making it indistinguishable from content written by real humans. It is a straightforward and user-friendly tool with some impressive features. At the core of the tool are two models — Ninja and Ghost. Ninja is the default model, available in the free plan. Ghost is the advanced model that claims to bypass sophisticated AI detectors like

StealthWriter Features

This tool is relatively simple, but it promises a wide range of features.

Bypass All AI Detectors

The tool claims to easily bypass all AI detectors, like, Winston AI, and Turnitin, which are usually effective in detecting AI-generated content, including that generated by text humanizing tools, making this assertion quite daring.

Originality Assurance

StealthWriter guarantees that your content will be 100% unique regardless of how many times you rewrite it. This is advantageous if you’re up against both AI detectors and plagiarism checkers.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Enhancement

It’s been said that AI-generated content typically doesn’t rank well in search engines, so it’s good to know that this tool strives to optimize its output for SEO. It retains essential keywords, optimizing your content for search engines without compromising quality.

Multiple Variations

StealthWriter will generate multiple versions of the humanized text, allowing you to select the style and version that suits you best.

Interactive Sentence Alternatives

You can also customize the content in real time by clicking on sentences to view and choose alternatives. This way, even if your text is AI-generated, you can add a personal touch and select the option that sounds the most appealing.


StealthWriter provides a complimentary plan and three paid plans priced between $20 and $50 per month. The paid plans offer various features, including unlimited rewrites and a highly accurate built-in AI detector. All paid plans allow you to utilize the faster Ninja Model for an unlimited number of words. However, they differ in the number of words per rewrite they can handle and the number of words you receive with the more advanced Ghost Model.

Does StealthWriter Actually Work: Real-Life Testing

StealthWriter has demonstrated considerable potential thus far. It’s time to put it to the test and determine if it can effectively bypass AI detection. Initially, we will employ ChatGPT to generate a brief article on the significance of reading books.

Next, we will utilize StealthWriter to humanize the AI-generated text. Here are the results:

Subsequently, we will subject the rewritten text to several AI detection platforms.

StealthWriter Versus ZeroGPT

The first platform is ZeroGPT, where the rewritten text receives a 93% probability of being AI/GPT generated. All of the text is highlighted in yellow, indicating that the content processed by StealthWrite is struggling to bypass ZeroGPT’s AI detection.

StealthWriter Versus is renowned for its stringent AI content detection. The processed content receives a 100% AI score (indicating 100% certainty that the content is AI-generated), with all of the content highlighted in red. This outcome clearly demonstrates that StealthWriter has failed to outsmart’s detection.

StealthWriter vs. GPTZero

Currently, we are testing the StealthWriter output with GPTZero, and the outcome is not promising. The AI detector highlights almost all of the content in orange, indicating that it is 97% likely to be AI-generated and only 2% likely to be written by a human.

StealthWriter vs. Content at Scale

Next, we are inputting the rewritten content into Content at Scale. This AI detection platform suggests that the content has an AI-like tone and marks almost all of it in red. Only the very last part of the article is identified as difficult to determine (in orange).

StealthWriter vs. Writer

Finally, we will evaluate the StealthWriter output on Although this AI detection platform does not specify which part of the content is AI-generated, it deems 73% of the content to be AI-generated. It advises that the content requires further adjustments to make it more human-like.

Is There a Superior Alternative to StealthWriter?

While StealthWriter effectively generates inconspicuous text and offers various features, it does have some potential drawbacks. The free plan imposes limitations on the number of words that can be rewritten, and the paid plans may be too expensive for some users. If you are seeking an alternative, AIHumanizer provides similar features at a more affordable price.

AIHumanizer uses state-of-the-art text humanization technology to outwit sophisticated AI content detection services such as GPTZero,, and This effective tool attains an impressively high rate of being undetectable when up against most AI writing detectors available, all while maintaining the core of your initial text.

It surpasses StealthWriter by offering customizable bypass modes. You can opt for a more conservative and faster text processing approach or explore a more creative route, which may take longer to process. AIHumanizer effortlessly handles various content types, including journalism, stories, reports, cover letters, marketing, and many other styles.

How Does AIHumanizer Perform in Practice?

Now, let’s witness AIHumanizer in action after all these impressive introductions. We will use the same “importance of reading books” article, run it through AIHumanizer, and compare the outcome against the mentioned 5 AI detectors. Here is the resulting text from AIHumanizer.

With AIHumanizer’s built-in AI detection checker, you can instantly obtain AI/Human scoring without leaving the site. However, to ensure the utmost accuracy of the test, we will cross-reference the humanized output the specified 5 AI detection systems for thorough validation. Below are the findings.

AIHumanizer Against ZeroGPT

Firstly, the outcome from ZeroGPT provides a solid starting point. The humanized content from AIHumanizer achieves a 0% probability of being AI-generated, effortlessly bypassing this AI detection platform.

AIHumanizer vs

Next, we move on to the detection. According to its latest Turbo 3.0 model, the provided content is highly likely to be written by a human writer, with a remarkable 95% original score and only a 5% probability of being AI-generated.

AIHumanizer vs GPTZero

Now, let’s test if AIHumanizer can handle GPTZero, and the answer is a resounding yes. The humanized content receives an outstanding 99% probability of being human-written. This clearly demonstrates that AIHumanizer easily outsmarts GPTZero as well.

AIHumanizer vs Content at Scale

We will also assess how AIHumanizer performs against Content at Scale. The processed content effortlessly passes this AI detector, with almost all of the content being marked as green.

AIHumanizer vs Writer

Finally, we will assess whether the material can evade detection by Writer AI, and the outcome is clear. Despite not indicating any text as AI-generated or human-written, AIHumanizer’s output still attains an impressive 99% human rating on this AI detection system.

Final Thoughts — Is StealthWriter Worth Using?

Based on our test results, the content generated by StealthWriter has not been able to successfully evade certain well-known AI detection platforms. While the overall quality of the content is satisfactory, it is advisable to consider a reliable alternative if you want your content to consistently bypass AI detection.

Fortunately, there are StealthWriter alternatives like AIHumanizer available to bridge this gap. AIHumanizer offers a more reliable performance against even the most stringent AI detectors, along with a range of impressive features to ensure content quality. Additionally, they provide a variety of affordable plans that can help you save money. Take advantage of AIHumanizer now and enhance your content creation process!

