Why Your Restaurant Needs a Mobile App?

Joey Tan
Published in
4 min readJan 19, 2018

Image Credits: Wikimedia Commons

Whether you are running a single or a chain of restaurants, having a mobile app for your business is extremely important. The number of people using mobile apps going through the internet is higher than that of desktop users. Similarly, Singapore has the highest smartphone penetration in the world as almost all its citizens have access to mobile phones.

As a business, it is important to understand and utilize the behavior of your customers. As your customers are hooked on to their smartphones, you should be making the most of it so that you can improve your business significantly. Here are five reasons why your restaurant needs a mobile app:

Easy to add and display reviews

When you have a mobile app, it becomes easier for your customers to add reviews about your services and dishes. Reviews are great for your restaurant because it gives you many opportunities to showcase your professionalism. The way your restaurant responds to the reviews left behind by customers speaks a lot about your business and its values. When you get great reviews, you can proudly display them on your mobile app, encouraging prospects to visit your restaurant and try out your dishes.

At the same time, negative reviews give you a different perspective on your restaurant and its services. You can take the negative reviews and use them to improve what you have to offer. You can also respond to negative reviews, showing your customers and prospects that you care about their experience in your restaurant.

Loyalty incentives

Mobile apps allow you to reward your most loyal customers with loads of incentives, encouraging more people to use the services of your restaurant. Loyalty incentives are another way to show your customers how much you value them. When you have a mobile app, it becomes easier for your customers and prospects to sign for the loyalty incentives. Rather than having to fill up all their details, they can link their social media accounts to your app, giving you all the information you need in a couple of seconds.

It becomes easier to keep track of the incentives when you have a mobile app. Your customers can simply record visits and collect points with the help of the mobile app. As a result of this, you won’t have to keep a loyalty card for your customers. Also, mobile apps allow you to keep track of your customers, giving you the opportunity to offer them personalized offers.

Online payments

Due to significant advancement in the field of technology and security, online payments are becoming popular among consumers. As consumers prefer online payments over traditional methods of settling the bill such as swiping the card or cash, your mobile app can use this to your advantage.

Thanks to services such as Apple Pay, Google Wallet, and Samsung Pay, allow customers to pay through their smartphones. Also, there are numerous payment apps for smartphones such as Dash and DBS Paylah which are extremely popular among the citizens of Singapore. With online payments, you won’t have to worry about handing out the right change to your customers. Also, it becomes more convenient and faster for your customers to pay for your services.

Optimal booking system

You can make the booking system in your restaurant optimal with a mobile app. Your customers can use their smartphones to make reservations in your restaurant. As some customers don’t like to make a call and book a table, a mobile app will be a godsend to them. A mobile app will show customers when your restaurant is open and how many tables are available at the moment.

A mobile app is also helpful in reminding your customers about their reservations. For example, you can use push notifications to inform your customers about upcoming reservations. Mobile apps also make it simpler for customers to cancel their reservations.

Streamlines takeaway

When your restaurant has to deal with orders for takeaway, mobile apps streamline the entire process. When you have a mobile app, your users can look through your menu and decide on what they have to order. A mobile app eliminates errors, making your restaurant look professional. Also, you can collect all the details of the customer in one go. When their orders are ready, a mobile app will inform them, asking them to pick it up from your restaurant.

When you have a mobile app, your users will never have to deal with busy phone lines. With mobile payment, it becomes easier and faster for your takeaway customers to pay and be on their way.

These are the five reasons why your restaurant needs a mobile app. If you want to develop a great mobile app for your restaurant, why don’t you get in touch with Robust Tech House? Our developers will build a mobile app that surpasses your expectations!

Brought to you by RobustTechHouse

