What is the color Persian Blue?

Johan Lore
2 min readMay 28, 2022


You may be surprised to hear the phrase Iranian colors. But you should know that the world knows colors like Iran. As you know, our country has a long history in handicrafts, including extraordinary tiles, unique carpet weaving, pottery, jewelry, and so on.

Iranian colors such as Persian blue are actually from the heart of these arts. These arts have been exported to all parts of the world, and now these iconic colors represent the country and the gentle spirit of our artists and craftsmen.

In the following, you will get acquainted with these 9 colors and their history. Knowing the original Iranian colors and knowing the color of the year is not just for fun; By recognizing these colors, we can use them in our home decoration, and by adding a little creativity and cheap ideas for decoration, we can update and beautify our home.

Persian blue or azure is one of the most beautiful Iranian colors
Hearing the name of the Iranian blue subconsciously, the beautiful tiles of the Imam Mosque of Isfahan come to our minds. In fact, this color is inspired by the same tradition of Iranian tiling called our country.

Iranian blue or azure is one of the most popular Iranian colors that has been used in many industries and arts. Iran and Afghanistan are full of quality lapis lazuli. It is interesting to know that in 1669, the Iranian blue term was first used in the English language and literature.

Other names for this Iranian color are carbon blue, Persian blue, and shawl blue. Iranian blue has 3 different spectrums.

Middle azure blue; From the family of Iranian colors

This Iranian color is from the same family as blue rice or Iranian blue, which has a lower intensity. It is interesting to know that Iranian cloth sellers call this color Italian blue.

This color is also from the Iranian blue family. Another letter of this color is Persian Indigo or indigo purple. The first use of this phrase in English dates back to 1912. This color is also widely used in Iranian tiling and pottery.

