John Argote-Rodriguez
4 min readSep 27, 2018

PREDATORS — Movie Review

Image via 20th Century Fox

By John Argote Rodriguez


“Predators” was released in July 9, 2010 and is the third film in the Predator film series starring Adrien Brody, Topher Grace, Alice Braga, Walton Goggins, Laurence Fishburne, Oleg Takarov, Louis Ozawa Changchien, and Mahershala Ali with Danny Trejo, directed by Nimród Antal.

Image via 20th Century Fox

“Predators” is a unique film in the franchise as unlike the rest of the films in the series, “Predators” isn’t set in Earth, but rather an unknown alien planet used by the Predators as a hunting ground/arena and from there the survivors must try from the multiple Predators. It’s basically the “Aliens” to “Predator”.


What really intrigued about this movie was that it was going back to the roots of the original film, forget 1997 Los Angeles this is the jungle and the suspense is returning with the difference in more then one Predator and being in a game preserve planet and that’s what I loved about the film it did something new and it did have that creepy eerie feel especially with how the first human kill happened with Danny Trejo, I really liked the reaction from the rest of the group because these men are criminals and they recognize what’s happening, it’s a trap and they know it which adds to the fear and since they are criminals I love how Mahershala Ali’s character says that he’s done that technique to lure victims I thought was freaky as hell.

Image via 20th Century Fox

This movie expands on the mythology of the Predators and introduces the Super Predator which is nice and everything, but the original Predator is the best Predator which is why I’m not big on getting a bigger Predator because the original is fine. Don’t fix what’s not broken, but anyways I like the atmosphere of the movie, but it’s not without its problems.

Image via 20th Century Fox

First off I enjoyed the movie’s approach to going back the themes and feeling of the original, but at the same time felt like a rehash/repeat and it’s not just the theme, but the movie has a lot of homages to the “Predator” that feel liked forced, I’m talking about the shirtless mud covered Adrien Brody which is an obvious easter egg, but it was like alright this was a wee little too much. That and when we get to Laurence Fishburne’s character the movie takes a big stop and becomes slow paced, his character was he one who lived and has survived through it all and because of that knowledge he becomes the character who explains everything and downright feels like an exposition character, or at least in his introduction.

Adrien Brody as Royce

Speaking of Adrien Brody, I thought his character Royce was fun and I wish we’d seen more of him because there wasn’t a lot of development of him and it’s a shame we never saw a sequel to this film because I think it’s the best sequel in the franchise and such a shame that we probably won’t get a sequel especially with the poor box office and critical performance of “The Predator” if anything the next movie won’t come for years, more if this Disney Fox deal is approved by the government and I’m sure the next iteration will be a reboot.

Image via 20th Century Fox

“Predators” is a good entry in the Predator film series and isn’t talked about much which is a shame because it’s not bad. The movie has nice action, great cast, visual effects, and a badass fight scene with a man and a Predator with swords, but despite those positives the movie couldn’t reach the heights of the original movie, that and the characters just could match Dutch or Dillon! That son of a bitch!

This is in my opinion a good movie on it’s own that doesn't get the love it deserves.

Grade: B

Image via 20th Century Fox
John Argote-Rodriguez

🎥🎬Film Director, Screenwriter, Actor, Filmmaker, and Film Pundit🎭🎭