Why should you upgrade your POS system?

John Staunton
2 min readJan 10, 2017


Retailers / business owners often ask us why they should bother upgrading their “perfectly fine, it does the job we need” old-school cash register to a newer (cloud-based) system / application. The “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” mentality may work short-term in this instance, but longer-term the problems will mount up. Putting aside the impending regulatory pressure coming across the EU (and further afield), here are 10 very straightforward reasons that an upgrade is a good idea:

  1. Newer POS systems offer a much wider range of payment acceptance options, enabling you to ensure you always get paid in a way that is most convenient for your customers. This includes customers paying via a mobile device (without having to join a queue at the cash desk) — speeding up transactions, boosting productivity, and reducing customer wait-times.
  2. A fully integrated system (transactions, payments, inventory) dramatically reduces loss, theft, and unexplained mismatches between cash register reports and bank account statements.
  3. Employee scheduling and rostering can not only be managed directly in a single system, but future rosters can be determined based on (automatic) demand analysis and predicted peak times for your business.
  4. Integrated POS and accounting software can save an average business owner up to 2 days EVERY MONTH in administrative overhead.
  5. ‘Real’ loyalty initiatives can be implemented… any worthwhile modern POS system can link transactional data directly to a customer, enabling behaviour-based loyalty rather than traditional (and ineffective) demographic-based loyalty.
  6. Customers can be directly and automatically contacted with personal offers, promotions and discounts… boosting sales and increasing retention.
  7. The entire business (especially profits and costs) can be managed from anywhere in the world… real-time and instantly.
  8. Advanced analytics (e.g. linking sales to weather data, upcoming local events, footfall traffic on the street outside) can give a business of any size a significant advantage over their competitors
  9. Inventory, stock, deliveries can be managed simply, effectively and efficiently from one place, with one dashboard
  10. For a low investment cost, a fully-interconnected business (different departments, stations and service areas) can be extremely quickly set up and managed (think minutes, rather than days)… transforming the working environment and giving a very rapid Return on Investment.

Upgrading your core business tools will boost your sales, increase customer retention and dramatically lower administrative overhead.




John Staunton

CEO at @Countrhq and www.shopperconcepts.com, changing retail forever! Entrepreneur, consultant, data geek, rugby lover, triathlete, runner