Could Coffee Waste Replace Plastic For Good?

John Harrison
5 min readJan 8, 2024
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Money is found in solutions to problems.

When you offer up a new ‘workable’ solution to a problem that people and society have been struggling with for a while, you will be rewarded.

You may be aware that there is a problem with plastic waste and plastic pollution.

Far too much stuff today is made from plastic which will not break down as fast as organic products when discarded.

Plastic waste not only litters our oceans, forests, rivers, fields, beaches, and streets, it is being found inside animals and fish. Most humans now will have traces of plastic fibres and pellets.

It’s everywhere, and it’s a big problem.

A lot of glasses — those of the reading variety — are made with plastic frames.

You can pick up a pair of cheap reading glasses from many shops such as Poundland.

The problem with cheap glasses is that they break easily and are now classed as a throw away’ item.

No one would consider repairing a pair of glasses that cost as little as £1.25 from Poundland. It’s far cheaper to buy a new pair — possibly cheaper to buy several pairs — than it is to have the glasses frame repaired.



John Harrison

Publisher, author, property investor/developer, film producer and entrepreneur