If It Sounds Too Good To Be True… It Probably Is… True!

John Harrison
6 min readOct 7, 2022
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Whenever I see an article online about everyday people making a lot of money I have to read it to see if it is something that either I can do or I can share with people like you.

I know that everyone is different and they don’t all want to do the same thing. It’s nice to find something that is different especially if it is something that other people can copy too.

The other day I was reading about a guy who was making over £800 a day selling items on Amazon using his ‘lazy side-hustle.’

He would research what other products were selling well, sourcing the same or similar products on the Chinese Alibaba website and then having stock sent directly to an Amazon fulfilment house so that they could ship out the products to customers.

He said that his ‘lazy side-hustle’ was a simple 3 step process.

1. Find out what is selling well on Amazon.

2. Source products from China and have them sent to Amazon.

3. List the products on Amazon and let them do the payment processing and shipping of products.

It sounds simple enough in theory… and it also sounds relatively easy.

There is no heavy lifting to be done, no going to and from places sourcing materials or…



John Harrison

Publisher, author, property investor/developer, film producer and entrepreneur